Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Blogging 101

My mind is always spinning with random thoughts and I laugh out loud at myself. "I should blog that!" I think to myself. Soon I'd be profiled on the "Today" Show, as my blog caps 1 million hits. "Did you ever think your blog would be so famous?" Matt Lauer would ask me. "Oh, no," I'd humbly respond, "this was just alittle something fun I was doing for myself and my friends." And then the Limo would take me to lunch at the Four Seasons Hotel.

But now, as I sit here looking at the blank page, my mind is also a blank. No fun or funny thoughts. But a place to start. I'm blogging! At the age of 40! Am I hip or what?

And so, in June, I'll be heading to the Proverbs 31 conference, and take a real "Blogging 101" course. And soon I'll be writing quips and quotes, stories and segments, inspirations and irritations. But for now, I'll post my first blog. And dream of the day when Matt Lauer calls.


Sue said...

Everything has a beginning. Even God had to create a 'beginning.' And so with you.

Carry on, Wonder Woman! More great blogs to come.

gibsonfam said...

After that "Blogger 101" course, perhaps you can bring some of your blogging wisdom to MOPS..?