Monday, March 5, 2012

Keeping Focus

This past weekend we celebrated my daughter's birthday with an American Girl party. As one of the favors, I crafted flip flops for all the dolls. Because I am "craft challenged" I was proud of my hard work, and I tweeted and Facebooked a photo of the craft.

Soon enough I had several people asking me how to make the flip flops. Because I needed more than 120 characters (the tweet limit) for the description, I decided to write a blog post outlining the steps, and then tweet the link.  You can read that post here,

Imagine my surprise, when I reviewed my blog statistics, to find that the Flip Flop post was the 2nd highest read post in the past 30 days.  Truthfully, I was frustrated. Maybe I should just write a craft blog?!?!

There are 2 problems with that thought.  The first, of course, is that I don't like crafting, so it would be a pretty short lived blog. The second problem, is that writing a craft blog isn't my calling.  Writing a devotional blog is.

The temptation is to follow the crowd, to be popular, to want the big numbers.  Jesus warned us of this philosophy when he said, "Enter through the narrow gate." (Matt 7:13).  He continued, "Wide is the gate, and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it."

Don't leave me comments telling me that crafting blogs are okay, because I know.  Whatever God is calling you to do, whatever your God given gift is, that is what you should be doing. And if crafting is it for you, keep focused!

But for me, I have to remain focused on writing for Him.  Jesus concluded his comments above by saying, "Small is the gate, and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

Only a few may read my blog. But I pray that here, they find life. 

Have you ever been tempted to go through the wide gate to gain popularity or status?

Kelly Combs is a Christian wife, mom, writer and speaker. You can learn about Kelly by visiting her website at

Chatty Kelly


Elizabeth said...

Kelly, I read ALL of your blogs!! You are a great writer and I love how you communicate God's truth through everyday circumstances! So glad the flip-flops turned out - what a fun memory for your daughter!

Keep doing what you are called to do. :) Leave the glue guns for those with tougher finger tips!


Sonya Lee Thompson said...

I love this post. I appreciate your honesty as I've felt the same temptation before.

Kelly Combs said...

Thank you Elizabeth. I appreciate your encouragement!

Kelly Combs said...

It's nice to find out that we all experience the same emotions at time. But praying we keep on the narrow path.

Leslie Johnson said...

Wise counsel Kelly, thanks for sharing!! I often get frustrated because I don't have many followers, although I know from my stats that people are reading. Just because I'm not getting comments doesn't mean that I'm not reaching people!

vickie said...

This is so relevant Kelly. In this age of social media with ideas coming left right and center its easy to get sidetracked. I had stopped blogging for a number of reasons but a big one was that I felt not many people were interested. However God brought me right back to it. He has a plan and a purpose so no matter what I am keeping my focus. Thanks for such an honest post.


Sue J said...

This blog is a place dedicated to talking about your relationship with God and helping to grow ours. I think you just needed a place to share the details of a fun project that just happens to be really cool for a large part of your readership. I don't think you can be hard on yourself either way.

No, crafting flip-flops may not help us in our relationship with God directly. But finding and sharing a way to make a young girl's party something special for her and all her guests can be inspiring to other moms who are trying to be the best, Godly moms they can be--whether it's flip-flops or beaded necklaces or homemade cookies.

I'm honestly not worried about you launching a craft blog.... Love you!

Tracy said...

If you start blogging about crafting, I will unsubscribe... :)

Kelly Combs said...

Hahahaha! It's a deal.

Kelly Combs said...

You are right! No worries about me launching a craft blog. You...on the other hand...would be great at it!

Kelly Combs said...

Vickie, I'd love to visit your blog. Let me know the web address, if you'd like.

Kelly Combs said...

That is so true, Leslie! And even if we have zero commenters, if God is calling us to keep writing - we must!

Jeanettelevellie said...

Excellent thoughts, Kelly! This is one reason I don't pay attention to numbers; they are addictive, and get me distracted from my calling.

You keep doing what you're doing, girl.

Kari Scare said...

This temtation is so very real in many areas of my life from fashion and possessions to blogging and exercising. With reguard to blogging specifically, seeing so many successful blogs about blogging and writing make me wonder if a self-improvement/spiritual growth blog like mine can succeed. Yet, I know without a doubt that God is directing me down this path. So while my readership is low, I will keep moving forward as He directs me. Your post was very encouraging to me; actually, it is every time. Don't stop doing what you are doing.

Kelly Combs said...

Kari - I love how you expanding my thoughts to fashion, exercise and possessions, because you are so right on! Walking the narrow road can feel isolating when the world is on the wide road...but life with Jesus is so worth it!

Vickie said...

Kelly, It would be great to have you stop by sometime.

Kari Scare said...

This is a battle I've fought in a big way over the past two years, and it's all related to living my life as simply as possible. As I do that, my life is naturally balanced by God's will.