Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Life Without Blinders

I rushed to the checkout counter at the department store. I had just enough time to ring up my purchases and pick up my daughter from school on time. Thankfully, there was only one young man ahead of me.  He chatted away to the check out clerk.  Obviously, he was not running late like I was. I became more anxious as he took his time.

I checked my watch again as they worked through his transaction. He began to count out his money. My annoyance rose. If he didn't hurry up, I was going to have to leave my purchase. He came up short with his money. "Good grief," I thought, "Just hurry up!"  He left his purchases on the counter. Relieved, I checked out and jumped in the car to pick up my daughter.

On the drive, I reflected on the situation.  I'd missed an opportunity, because I'd had blinders on.  I don't remember how much money he was short on his purchase, but I could have given him the dollar or two he needed.  I remembered what he had been saying. "A new shirt for my new job."  He was excited. I'd missed an opportunity to show a random act of kindness; to show him the love of Jesus.

Now, I strive to live a life without blinders on. Here are some tips that help me.

1. Slow down. I was a big hurry.  That was my first mistake. I didn't plan my own time better, so suddenly my running late was his fault. If I hadn't been in a hurry, I would have been relaxed and able to engage in what he was saying in the moment, rather than in hindsight.

2. Don't focus on yourself. It was all about me that day. When I was so focused on myself, I couldn't see the young man. In hindsight I realized how proud and excited he was about his new job. It was probably his first job. I missed the chance to share in, and increase his joy, because I couldn't take my eyes off myself.

3. Be intentional. We have opportunities to help those around us every day if we just take our blinders off.  Now I am more intentional about looking and seeing those around me.

4. Pray. Yes, pray, and ask God to open your eyes. God places people in our path that need to see his light, and we have the chance to reflect it. Be the light.

I am sorry for my actions that day at the store. I am thankful that God is never too busy to see me, and for his amazing grace when I blow it. Those blinders made me blind...but now I see.

For this people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them. But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.  Matthew 13:15,16

Are you intentionally seeking opportunities to shine God's light or participate in random acts of kindness?

Chatty Kelly


scoggins said...

Love this!!!! I think we can all confess to being in a similar situation, but finding the lesson in it is priceless. XO

Loree Huebner said...

This is a great post and great reminders. Sometimes we just don't see...and see opportunities in front of us. God gave you hindsight on that one - not many people think about it later.

Sue J said...

I heard this for the first time today, but I really like Newworldson's sound, and these lyrics fit in well with your post today:

"When we struggle and it all goes wrong
Only you can make it right
So I say (Oh oh oh oh oh)
I'm learning to be the light...."

We aren't always going to get it right, but now that you've brought the light to fruition, you aren't likely to forget what happened today. He wants us all to grow through our mistakes. Not just forgiveness, but growth--through our mistakes! Oh, what a Savior!

Thanks for being transparent and sharing your struggle with us.

Kelly Combs said...

Thanks for your graciousness Sherry. I'll check out your blog post!

Kelly Combs said...

Thankful for the hindsight that, God willing, I might not make the same mistake twice.

Kelly Combs said...

Thanks for your graciousness Sherry. I'll check out your blog post!

Kelly Combs said...

Thank you for your always gracious spirit Sue. And I love love love that song. A new favorite. "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa-oh-oh" Who doesn't love a song with "whoa" lyric in it, when my post shows a horse. *smile*

Kelly Combs said...

Thank you for your always gracious spirit Sue. And I love love love that song. A new favorite. "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa-oh-oh" Who doesn't love a song with "whoa" lyric in it, when my post shows a horse. *smile*

Sue J said...

See, I didn't even make that connection. Got my musical blinders on ;-) Love it!

Sue J said...

See, I didn't even make that connection. Got my musical blinders on ;-) Love it!

Kari Scare said...

Oh my, this has certainly happened to me more times than I care to admit. Only for me, I plan everything out, and I struggle with seeing past the blinders of my plan. My oldest son struggles in this area too. When these things happen, I pray for another opportunity to try again. I hate letting God down this way, and I look forward to the day when I will no longer let Him down. That's what I'm looking forward to in Heaven!

Kelly Combs said...

Kari, I too am very schedule oriented. We are all works in progress. Praying is critical to this pray...that God would open our eyes to help remove those blinders!