Friday, July 30, 2010

It's Not P0rn

I don't like sports. My husband watches a lot of sports. Football, baseball, basketball, golf, softball, boxing...there really isn't a sport he doesn't watch. Recently, we were out to eat with another couple. The men's conversation turned to, of course, sports. They discussed the latest games, scores and stats.

I turned to the wife, "Do you like sports?"

"I don't mind them," she responded.

"I'm not a fan." I said.

Then she said something that changed my view point:

"It's not p0rn."

"*cough*-Excuse me?"

"It's not p0rn." she continued. "He could be spending his time looking at p0rn. I'm glad he likes sports."

Wow - talk about perspective. That one comment made me LOVE sports!

Is there something in your life that you need a change of perspective on? Some small annoyance that could be worse? Why not focus on the positive today. My new motto? "It may not be perfect, but it's not p0rn."

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8

Chatty Kelly


SusanD said...

ahaha. That's a great perspective. Tho your post title did catch me by surprise. lol. Have a great weekend. Blessings, SusanD

Pinkshoelady said...

Hi Kelly,
I needed this today. My Minister middle-aged husband had his hair cut yesterday...he wears it down to a level 1. He asked the syltist to leave a small cross in the back of his hair like a mohawk.
I hate it...but it is not p0rn!

Camille said...

Oh, my gosh! This really is a terrific way to think. I have a friend; you know her, who seems to move just a few steps to the side and views things from a very interesting perspective too. I find it astonishing that just one little change can turn something negative into a positive quite often. Thank you for this, my friend.

Beth in NC said...

Ha, well, depending on the sport, it could be p0rn. Have you seen some of those cheerleaders and fans? Oh my. But I see what you're saying.

HisPrincess said...

ahahah! Thanks Kelly. Great perspective!

Carol said...

Don't you just love it when people shed new light on stuff. Great point!

Miss Janice said...

It is a great point! Whenever I talk to my mama and she asked what my husband is doing...I say "Nothing, he's just laying around on the sofa...doing nothing!" She always says the same thing..."Better to have him there than elsewhere!" :)

Edie said...

Now THAT is a great lesson!

Miss you my friend! I've been reminiscing on my old posts and the comments. We sure had a lot of fun!

My DWV is lions. I love lions. Sounds like the name of a sports team! :)