Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Power of Faith

By now you’ve probably had a chance to take down some of your Christmas decorations and have reflected on the season. Christmas is full of wonderful things specific only to that time of year. Chances are you don’t have eggnog or fruit cake, except at Christmas time. You’ll never find mistletoe hanging indoors, except at Christmas time. And let’s not forget the wonderful Christmas classics on television. Whether it’s Charlie Brown and his pitiful Christmas tree, or A Wonderful Life’s George Bailey, we love those Christmas classics.

My personal favorite is “Miracle on 34th Street.” “Miracle” is a wonderful movie about a young girl who lives with her mother in New York City. The girl (Natalie Wood as Susan) has been raised to be practical; her mother doesn’t fill Susan’s head with fantasies such as fairy tales. However the man hired to be Santa Claus at Macy’s Store, where Susan’s mother works, claims to be none other than the real Santa. A neighbor who is a lawyer represents “Santa Claus” and ends up proving in a court of law that “Santa” is the true and real Santa.

Along the way Susan’s mother ends up believing and trying to convince her daughter to believe. She tells Susan “Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to.” Susan is disillusioned when Santa doesn’t bring the gift she wants, but she continues to chant, “I believe, I believe, it’s silly, but I believe” to convince herself. And Santa does come through in the end.

Aren’t we a lot like Susan?

To find out how, join me over at Titus 2 in Action by clicking the button below.

Titus 2 in Action

Chatty Kelly


Greg C said...

Common sense tells me that there is no other possibility. Nothing else makes sense. There must be a God. Great message.

My ADHD Me said...

What do you mean "CLAIMS" to be the real Santa! All you have to do is just ask our dad and he'll tell you that he "WAS" the real Santa.

Thanks for doing the Mr Linky thing for me. I completely forgot that part.

Now I'm off to read..."The Rest of the Story"

My ADHD Me said...

Did you stop doing the Examiner?