Monday, June 22, 2009

A Dog's Life

You may be surprised to learn that I have two dogs. I often talk about Buddy (the dog on the left). But I also have another dog, Jackie (on the right). Her eyes are fine, that's just the flash reflecting.)

I've had Buddy for nearly 2 years, while we've had Jackie for 11. But Buddy is definitely my favorite. Why? Because he loves me so much. While Jackie loves me, she doesn't really like to spend time with me. She is happy with an occasional pat, and doesn't like to be picked up. She is content to lay by my feet and just be together.

Buddy, on the other hand, cannot get close enough to me. He whines when he is at my feet, that isn't close enough. He wants to be in my lap. He wants my pats and attention and to know that I with him always. He adores me.

Now I know that God is not like man, that he should pick favorites. However, in my relationship with God, I think I'm often more like Jackie. I love him, but I'm content to be at his feet, to be together, but not really close. How much more would God love it (not me) if I couldn't get enough of him. If I longed to be with him closer and closer, not resting until I am as close as possible?

I need to unleash my reservations, lapping up God's Word until I'm begging for more. Then, no bones about it, I'll be sitting in and heeling heeding God's Will in my life.

(And don't forget, all dogs go to heaven!) **grin**

Deuteronomy 6:5 -- Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.

Psalm 63:1 -- O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you.

Psalm 99:5 -- Exalt the LORD our God and worship at his footstool; he is holy.

Chatty Kelly


Beth in NC said...

What a sweet post. You're right, we all need to desire a closer relationship with the Lord.

Runner Mom said...

They are both darlin'! I need that closer relationship with God as well--all the time. I love the scripture from Psalms that you shared. I want to thirst and long for Him all day long!

Give them hugs and love from me!


Sharon@JoyInTheTruth said...

I just read this this morning:
Isaiah 55:2-3
"Why spend your money on food that does not give you strength? Why pay for food that does you no good?
Listen to me, and you will eat what is good.
You will enjoy the finest food.
Come to me with your ears wide open.
Listen, and you will find life."
Truly, His food, His Word satisfy.

I was thinking of you this morning as I was reading my daily chrono Bible. NIV is in Kings right now, and it gets a little many kings and so much killing. Not even a Psalm right now to smooth things out! But there is treasure each morning. And I am realling looking forward to the summer when we'll be in the minor prophets.

Thanks for this honest post. :) You're the best!

Susan D said...

That's a great analogy I can totally comprehend. Thank you so much for sharing. Blessings, SusanD

Jenny said...

aww that was a good post. Your dogs are so cute. Ginger is like your buddy, she wants to be in my lap getting her puppy massage.

Greg C said...

I am more of a Jackie type myself. Although I am not blind like she is from that flash. Haha Sorry couldn't resist. I am working towards being more like buddy though.

KelliGirl said...

Cute. I'm a dog person, so I'd take either kind of dog. Although, talk about neglect...get a cat! (I have one of them, too.)

I do want to be like Buddy when it comes to my relationship with God.

Sue J. said...

"Sit. Stay. Good boy (or girl)."

(Sigh!) If only we could do that.... Did you know God's dog is a palindrome? Such a cute post today! Your doggies look good!!

Rebecca Ingram Powell said...

Yeah--me too. I want to be Buddy!

Blasé said...

Aww, sweet lil' thangs.

p.s. So, I'm tickled pink that a 41 y/o woman is "healthy and alert"?? I don't get it!?!

..want to throw me a clue?

HisPrincess said...

Doesn't surprise me at've made the odd comment about my (precious) cat that has made me wonder if you are one of those "dog people"!

Don't get me wrong. I don't mind dogs. But sitting at my feet is definately close enough!

Great analogy though. Something I need to remember. I'm really struggling to hand it over to Him lately (hence my whiney post yesterday!).


Edie said...

My Tobi is more like Jackie most of the time but since I've been home now and not leaving to go to work, she wants to be with me more often.

When we spend more time with our Father, our desire to be with Him grows too.

Love the animalogy! :)

Blasé said...

**off Topic** (I like that).

It is indeed witty, I just didn't know how to connect it with anything. Now that I do...WHAAAHAHAHA! it Thursday yet? I've got a ton of things to be thankful for and I'm about to have a hissy-fit to tell someone.

My ADHD Me said...

All dogs go to Heaven...haha

i think I am too much like Jackie.

christy rose said...

Great analogy Kelly! I desire to be more like Buddy too! I want that with my God!

Kay Martin said...

I'm a Buddy kind of person, but my heart goes out to the "Jackie's." Our culture favors the "buddy-types." The one thing I know about Father God is that He truly KNOWS each of us. So the true heart of Jackie loving with all that is in her is perfect love to our Father. Surrender all is probably interpreted individually in as many ways as our number. That's what I love about God: He truly takes me as I am. I give Him all...He knows I am givng all. Thanks for reminding me of His mercy and goodness.

Irritable Mother said...

I loved where you were going with this post, but the play on words at the end really did it for me. Thanks! *grin*
No kidding - for the past few weeks I have had a post running around in my head titled, "I Want to be More Like My Dog." I fully agree with you here.

Billy Coffey said...

Wonderful analogy, Kelly. And so very true!

Leslie said...

What a great comparison! If only we were like our faithful companions. We can learn a lot from our dogs! I love it when Otto pushes his whole body into my legs when he wants my attention. He almost knocks me over if I'm standing. Even he gets jealous if I'm on the computer too much. He'll use his nose and push my elbow so that I have to stop typing and pet him. God would be so pleased with this kind of adoration from us!

Andrea said...

Great post! I thought I was already following did that happen. Sorry!!

Blessings, andrea

Ronel Sidney said...

Wow... just what I needed to hear.