Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What's the Worth?

Last fall I had a professional photo done. Many of the places where I've submitting articles ask for a professional head shot for their publication. I had to pay extra to receive the rights of my photo (and not just a print copy of it.) Now I own the rights to the print and can use it on my blog, or in print at my discretion.

In December, my family went to have our photo done at an inexpensive photo studio for our Christmas picture. After paying only $9.99 for about a billion prints, I asked if I could scan the photo and post in on my blog. The owner looked at the photographer and asked him. The photographer said, "you paid for them, you can do whatever you want with them." I was glad that he had given me full rights, without any charge. Yet his tone made me realize he wasn't being generous. He didn't realize the worth of his photography.

Do we realize the worth of our salvation? Jesus died for you and for me. He paid for the rights that we could be called children of God. He paid so that we could have eternal life. Yet too often, we don't realize the worth of this. We are cavalier like the guy at the photo study. We think we can do whatever we want, without realizing the price that was paid; and the worth of our salvation.

The photo of me on my blog didn't hold value because it was photo of me. No, it was the handiwork of the photographer the gave it worth. The photographer held the rights, and sold them to me. Likewise, I alone don't hold value. It is the handiwork of God that gives me any worth. He holds the rights to my life. He paid the price by Jesus' death on the cross for me, and for you. We need to be living a life worthy of the price that was paid. Get the picture?

Ephesians 4:1 -- As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.

Colossians 1:10 -- And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God.

2 Thessalonians 1:11 -- With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith.

Chatty Kelly


Dorothy Champagne said...

This is so true. He paid the ultimate price and yet we seem to throw it about like a toy out of the $.25 candy machine. Thank you for the reminder to remember our worth in Christ.

The Patterson 5 said...

Thanks for this reminder. May we never take the gift of our salvation for granted. May we realize the fullness and hugeness of God's love for us and the hefty price that was paid by Jesus' life in place of us.

Kay Martin said...

I love St. Paul's writings because this is his theme under anything he says. I'm dead to come fully alive in Christ. I can be the true me in Christ that I was never ever able to be in my self protective old carnal person. I am alive as you said so well; because He paid for my rights to live and BE.

I love your pictures!!!

Runner Mom said...

This was so timely! As we begin Lent, we need to remember what was given up--the price He paid for our salvation. Thanks so much!


Sue J. said...

There's a reason the Bible says to "work out your salvation with fear and trembling." We need the daily reminder that we belong to God and that we are not our own; all we do belongs to Him, is done through Him (if anything of value).

I feel sorry for that 2nd photographer, as it would seem he doesn't recognize the gift given to him in his talent. If we treat everything we do as "just a job," then we misunderstand the value that God places on us and on the work that He created in advance for us to do.

Beth.. One Blessed Nana said...

Kelly - I just love this post today! It is so true. We truly don't appreciate the price that He paid on our behalf. This is a reminder I needed to focus on my worth through Christ and IN Christ. Thank you so much.

A fellow control-freak!


My ADHD Me said...

It seems to me, that you are doing exactly what God is telling you to do in Ephesians 4:1. You are doing everything to "live your life worthy of the calling you have received".

Where is that Great Analogy button when I need it?

Greg C said...

Very nicely put Kelly. Too many people forget the worth of a life and that we didn't pay for it.

Things Above said...

Beautiful analogy and definitely important to remember. Thanks for sharing!

Melanie Dorsey said...

Free to us ~ but not cheap!

Tammy said...

Such a great reminder of how much I'm worth to God. Not by what I've done...that's for sure!!!

LisaShaw said...

Well said!

I don't need to add a word.

Bless you.

Shabby Olde Potting Shed said...

from the shed!

Mary Moss said...

Kelly, another great post to get me thinking!

Edie said...

I think because we live with the reality of this Truth everyday, that it is too easy to begin to view it as expected rather than the gift that it is. We need to guard our way of thinking.

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Oh, Kelly, so true. Once again you've taken the every day and helped us see it through a new lens.