Friday, December 19, 2008

He Knows If You've Been Bad or Good...

That Santa Claus; I don't know about him. You see, he is just like me. He takes note of whether you are bad or good (according to what scale?). If you are bad, you get coal and ashes and soot. If you are good, you get wonderful gifts under your tree.

I, too, judge people on my scale whether they are bad or good. My scale doesn't include soot or gifts, but the good people earn favor and the bad, well, I just don't want to be around them. Even if they're just having a bad day.

But my Savior, Jesus, I love him so much. See, he really does see me when I'm sleeping, and know when I'm awake. He knows if I've been bad or good (and friends, we've all been bad according to his scale - his own perfect life). But he doesn't give me coal.

No, Jesus offers me the gift of eternal life. I don't have to be "good" to earn my gift. The fact is, I could never be good enough to earn it. But Jesus loves me anyway. He has this wonderful gift for me, and all I have to do is believe. I have faith that he is who he says he is (God's Son) and that he died to pay the price for my sins.

I love Jesus so much, that I do try to be good. But like my 4 year old, all the trying in the world still amounts to some bad behavior sometimes. I'm so thankful that my God isn't like Santa Claus. His gift comes even when I'm bad, as long as I believe.

Romans 5:8 -- But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Psalm 33:13-15 -- From heaven the LORD looks down and sees all mankind; from his dwelling place he watches all who live on earth-he who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do.

Mark 10:18 -- {Jesus said} "No one is good—except God alone."

Chatty Kelly


Greg C said...

Well I have several tons of coal at my disposal if you need some. :) We all fall short of being good because only God is good. But like you said, he loves us just the same.
I always chuckle when I hear someone say (me included) that they wanted to say something bad but they held their tongue and didn't. Just like my post yesterday, the fact that I even thought about saying something negative is a bad thing. I pray that some day those thoughts won't even cross my mind. But for now, I just keep trying.

Melanie said...

Another great devotion!
I think of Paul who said his intentions to do good didn't always manifest in good actions (Romans 7).

Sharon said...

This is a greay post, I know and He knows I am not perfect, but he loves me the same! Praise God for favor.
Merrrrry Christmassss

The Patterson 5 said...

Thanks for this wonderful Christmas post!

Sue J. said...

Oh...I have coal on my blog today, too....EEK!

Slightly different twist, but we get to the same bottom line: Jesus is good and we can't be without Him! (Well, we can, but....why would you want to?)

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Growing up in a legalistic church, I was in my mid-thirties before I grasped God's unconditional love, whether I'm nice or not. And of course, that makes me want to be nice.

B His Girl said...

He does see us and still loves us. Joy! Your comment was funny on Lysa's post today.

Beverlydru said...

Very timely. I stand amazed to think the King of Glory has come to live within my heart. Which was more than a few sizes too small. By His grace He makes it the right size as His grace is shed abroad in my heart. Amazing!!

Edie said...

Amen to this!! It's also so much better to teach our children to care about what a very REAL Jesus might be thinking about our behavior than a very imaginary santa.

A wonderful post CK.

Mrs. Sidney said...

So, well written and it just touched my heart!!

I pray you have an amazing day!!

Jess said...

Oh, Kelly - this is so good! Your writing is always so clear and focusing on Jesus...


Truth4thejourney said...

God is so loving and forgiving! And the best part is that He doesn't even remember our sins!! I love to keep a records of wrong! LOL! I know I shouldn't, though. I'm a work in progress.

Fun Post,

On Purpose said...

I am so thankful His scale is "decorated in grace and love"

In relationship He teaches us how to be nice. We can't do it without Him...for He sure knew how to design a beautiful relationship.

Becoming Me said...

Oh Kelly, I loved this post. I think it is one of my very favorites of yours.

Luanne said...

Kelly--I love this post--putting Christ back into Christmas--even the Santa part. Thanks!

Joy in The Truth (Sharon Sloan) said...

Love this. Oh, how I want to be like Jesus and see others through His beautiful eyes of love and grace!

Received your lovely card and letter! Enjoyed reading it last evening!


Pinkshoelady said...

I glad too!
If Jesus did give out coal for my sins I could supply the World's energy right by myself!

Sad to say, but I'm often more like Santa than Jesus when it comes to keeping that list of naughty and nice things.

Thanks for the reminder!

I love you my friend!

My ADHD Me said...

Hi. I read this yesterday. I had some deep and inspiring thing to say in this comment. I was rushing and didn't have time to word it correctly so I decided to come back and comment when I had time to take my time and think about it.

Well, surprise surprise. I can't remember what I was going to say. DON"T YOU JUST HATE WHEN THAT HAPPENS!!

I read and re-read your post trying to remember the words of wisdom I had in my head but alas, they are gone.

"Great Post!"

Kay Martin said... hit a nerve. Isn't that judging sin a bummer? Yesterday my church gave a huge dinner for the needy. We had a wonderful Santa....after hundreds of pictures he was still jolly and kind.

Your post made me reflect on his servant heart to give up hours of having all sizes,shapes,weights of children and adults sit on his lap and pose with him. Every picture had him being the most wonderful that's talent and giftedness.

Again in 2009 I am resolving never to judge others. God is the only authorized judge. Your post on Santa and my time yesterday will help me throughout the year.

HisPrincess said...

Such a timely reminder.

Praise the Lord that he doesn't strike me off his list when I'm bad!

Irritable Mother said...

He knows everything and He loves me anyway.
And I am thankful!!!

Shanita Waters said...

This is so true. Thank God for Jesus! By the way, I tell my kids the truth about that Santa Claus as soon as they are old enough to understand but that's another story for another blog. Thank od for his mercy.