Friday, July 25, 2008

I'm It - 6 Things About Me

Hey Friends,

I got tagged! I am being tagged by Pamela at Pink Shoe Lady who has just blessed my socks off with her encouraging comments. Her own testimony of faith and fortitude is amazing, as you can read here.

Here are the rules:

1) Link to the person who tagged you (in this case me)
2) Post these rules on your blog
3) Write 6 random things about yourself
4) Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them
5) Let each person know they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6) Let the tagger know when your entry is up (Thanks Pamela!)

Six random things:

1) I love to sing, cannot carry a tune and embarrass my children by singing out loud in front of their friends.

2) I haven't mentioned my coffee addiction, in at least a couple of blogs, so I will remind you all that I love coffee: hot, iced, frozen, coffee ice cream, coffee get the idea.

3) I get seriously shocked every time I remember I am 40. I just feel like I'm still in my 20's. When did I grow up?

4) I am germaphobe and think Clorox wipes are the greatest invention ever!

5) One of the things I love about having kids is enjoying guilty pleasures with them, like ice cream cones and watching High School Musical over and over again.

6) I am a grandma...okay, well not really, but my husband has 5 grandchildren, so that makes me a step-granny - and the best looking granny on the block no doubt.

The people I am tagging:

Well, here's the thing. I'm a no pressure kind of gal. I'm the one that deletes the emails that say "send this to everyone you know."

So I'm tagging everyone and no one. If you want to do this on your site, copy it and go for it. If you don't, then don't. And if you want to play, but don't blog, write your 6 random things in the comments section.

And thanks again to Pamela for her sweet encouraging words.


Pinkshoelady said...

I think we must be kin somewhere down the line. I recognized all of your 6 things in myself...except the grandma thing. I am old enough to be technically, (My husband would never believe I just admitted that) but I got a late start on having children so...I let people think I'm only old enough to have a 9 year old.
I don't look 4 years from 50, and I don't feel it either!
Hopefully I wont feel 50 until I'm 70 or 80 in real years!

I meant every encouraging word!
I hope we can one day chat in person! I already owe you a half-a-dozen hugs!

Pamela R.

beverlydru said...

I went to to the youtube clip you mentioned over at 2nd cup of coffee when Linda posted on a diet. I laughed until I cried and posted it on my blog. Thanks for that. I'll be back!

Truth4thejourney said...

Hi Kelly,
I was "officially" tagged by another blogger friend so I have linked to her blog. But, I tagged your sister and put your blog link in there. I enjoyed reading your six things.

Have a super weekend. :)

HisPrincess said...

I do blog (as you know) but I'm essentially lazy so here are my six things...

I read everything (cereal boxes, road signs, tampon packets)

It took two knee reconstructions before I took the hint and stopped playing netball, my favourite game in the whole world.

I hang washing on the line in order. Each member of the family has their own side and then when I take them off I fold as I go, which means everything is sorted!

I like putting things in boxes and labeling them. My kids are afraid to sit still for too long for fear of being archived and catalogued!

I like to write, blog, journal, stories (studying a childrens writing course at present), song lyrics.

I love to sing. Especially during worship as a worship leader. I feel such joy when I sing the Lords praises.

So there you go. Six things about me. Have a great week!