Wednesday, December 19, 2012


It started out like a normal shopping experience. Two cashiers were checking out customers from one line at the retail department store. The customer, an older woman, was disappointed because they only had 1 sweater left. The sales associate offered, "Let me go check the back room."

I'll admit it. Selfishly, I was annoyed. One less cashier meant a slower moving line. But soon enough I was up to the other cashier and began checking out. As I did, the first cashier, Lori, came back. "I found them!" she exclaimed to the now thrilled customer, continuing, "It was a 'Thank You Jesus' moment."

I finished my purchase and walked away. Lori was clearly a Christian, and showing it both by going the extra mile for her customer, and giving Jesus the glory. This deserved a crowning moment! 

Recently I became award of "Crowned Women's Ministries." It's a lovely ministry that provides crown necklaces as outreach tools. You can either wear one, and give it to someone when they compliment you on it as you share the gospel with them, or give it to someone who needs encouragement. I had mine in my purse, just waiting for the right moment. 

I got back in line.  As I finally made my way to Lori, she remembered me. "Back again, huh?" I handed her the crown necklace in it's pink pouch. "I heard you say 'Thank you Jesus,' and thought it was a crowning moment. I'd just like to remind you that you are chosen, wonderfully made, dearly loved and a daughter of the king," I told her, using the verbiage on the back of the necklace card. 

"You don't know what this means to me!" Then she looked me in the eye, the way you do when you're being serious with someone and said again, "You don't know what this means to me. This is the 5th day that I haven't been crying." She leaned over the retail counter and hugged me, and I said "Jesus loves you" and went on my way. As I walked away I heard her exclaiming joyfully to a co-worker, "Can you believe that?!!"

Honestly, it's scary to put yourself out there as a Christian. The reason I love "Crowned by the King" is that there are so many ways to use it out as an outreach tool. I used it to encourage. I don't know what Lori's been going through, but I know that she's had reason to cry, yet still she was thanking Jesus boldly in a retail store. She deserved to be crowned, and I'm so glad Jesus used me to encourage her.

Who can you encourage today?  Check out Crowned by the King ministries, and learn how you can bless women. I can honestly say I was almost moved to tears, and I was as blessed as my sister in Christ, Lori.
Kelly Combs is a Christian wife, mom, writer and speaker. You can learn about Kelly by visiting her website at

Chatty Kelly


Sue J said...

Wow....what a beautiful story! Fills everybody's heart :-) ....

Mark Mathia said...

Kelly what a great story. Very cool program but more than that - what an exceptional sister in faith and friend. You encourage me! Go Jesus!

Kelly Combs said...

Mark - I humbled that you would say that! Thank you. Go Jesus indeed!

Sharon Sloan said...

Love this! Checking out that ministry now! :)