Wednesday, March 28, 2012

God Picked You!

I didn't get the job. And at the time to my 24 year old self,  it seemed earth shattering. Another rejection. I did get a lovely rejection letter, but I was still rejected.

Then almost one year later I got another letter. The person hired for the job didn't work out, and would I consider interviewing again.  I would, and I did, and I got the job! I worked at that job until the birth of my first child. I also learned a valuable lesson.

I didn't get that job, but I was in fact the best person for the job.  The employer selected the older candidate, because she had more experience than 24 year old me. But she didn't last a year.  I was the best person for the job. But I still wasn't initially picked.  Because that employer wasn't God. He made mistakes.

We will get rejected in life. Sometimes even when we don't deserve it. Truly, we aren't always the best person for the job, but even if we are that is no guarantee. There is only one guarantee in life, and that is that God picked you! He picked you! He loves you and wants you to be His. In God's family you are never second best. You are never over looked. You are never left behind. God picked you. 

I didn't have to take that job when I was offered it, but I did, and it was a good decision. You don't have to take God's offer either. But if you do, I can assure you it will be a good decision. God picked you. Now pick him back!  It's not just a good decision. It is a match made in heaven.

Kelly Combs is a Christian wife, mom, writer and speaker. You can learn about Kelly by visiting her website at

Chatty Kelly


Loree Huebner said...

Encouraging post! Just what I needed to hear today.

Kelly Combs said...

Thank you, Loree!

Kari Scare said...

Love knowing that no matter what people do or say, God loves me and wants me. Builds my confidence and helps me know my value!