CLOSER - In 2012, I want to become closer to my husband, my children, my family and friends. This means letting my guard down more, becoming more vulnerable. As someone who has been hurt (and haven't we all?) this can be a hard thing to do. But we can't get close to someone with walls around us. Most importantly I want to become closer to God. That relationship will improve all the others.
Come near to God and he will come near to you. James 4:8
BETTER - Who doesn't want to be better? For me, I want to be a better wife and mom. I want to be a better writer and speaker. I want to be a better friend, a better student of God's word, and a better child of God. I want to be better.
Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew 5:48
FEARLESS - Ironically, this is the one that scares me the most. I am not fearless. It's easy to live a safe life and never take take chances. There is no risk of failure if you don't put yourself out there. But can you call it success if you never try? Failure would be success if I put myself out there, taking the risk, whatever it may. Because I don't have to be perfect.
I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4
What is your One Word this year?
And what Bible verse can you claim to help you achieve your goal?
We are kindred spirits indeed, Kelly. There's NO WAY I could pick one word. I love your words, your goals, and pray that God enables you to SOAR--free of fear and any residue of it that might hold you back. May He give you an incredible year in 2012!
So, instead of one word, God gave me 2 scriptures, two phrases, and two other words. (Isn't that hilarious?) Here they are:
1. "See, I am sending an angel before you to protect you on your journey and lead you safely to the place I have prepared for you. (Exodus 23:20)
2. "For the Lord shall be my confidence." (Proverbs 3:26)
My phrases are: "A higher level of Productivity" and "A higher level of Prayer".
And the other 2 words emblazoned across my heart are: Intentional and Purpose.
((Hugs)) sweet friend!
Thanks for sharing Julie! Sounds like we are both putting our faith in the right place for 2012!
My word is joy. Joyful moments are few and far between. I'm finding more joy in the simpler things of life.
James 1 : 2-4
I haven't thought about my one word....but I think I will now. =)
I like your 3.
And your blog changes look good, too!
"Honor Him; for He is your Lord." Psalm 45:11
"...for those who honor Me I will honor..." 1 Samuel 2:30
Blog updates look great!!!!!!!
Great goal Loree!
If you think of one, let me know!
Thanks Melanie!
I love that, honor. Great choice.
And thanks, it was time for a spruce up around here!
Kelly, I recently read a blog that might have been written precisely for you:
The guest post writer referenced other blogs that also suggested 3 words. Three words are perfectly acceptable!
Hope. " 'For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
How funny, my ONE word is also 3. :) Purpose, Passion, Strength. Based on verses in Corinthians and the Jeremiah verse below. :) So cool!
I am enjoying getting to know your blog and site... I picked "authentic" for 2012 and wrote a little about it...
Kelly, this is great! My one word for 2012 is going to be—Direction! I have really been praying about what direction God will take me in all sorts of areas: family, work, creative stuff... Direction!
Thanks, Kelly!
Great word! I hopped over to your blog, and subscribed, so I look forward to hearing more about the direction God is taking you! Thanks for visiting today. (especially today, when you are very busy at Michael Hyatt's blog).
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