Friday, October 1, 2010

The View from Here

Believe it or not, this beautiful picture is taken right outside my back door. One would think that with a view like this, I'd be outside enjoying it every minute. But over time I've come to take it for granted.

When my husband & I moved into this house 14 years ago, I had my coffee out on the back deck every morning it was over 60 degrees. We often ate dinner outside too. After the first year, life happened. We got busy. I got a promotion at work, his company took on a big project, next we had kids. And suddenly this view was forgotten.

Isn't our relationship with God like that sometimes? When our relationship is new we are so excited and want to spend so much time with God. Quiet time every morning, we enjoy our coffee with God. Then life happens. We get busy, and certainly our kids - especially babies keeping us up at night - interfere with our relationship with God. How can we get it back?

Friends can help. When a friend says to me "wow, the view here is amazing" I get reminded to enjoy it more. A friend can also be an accountability partner for your relationship with God, becoming a bible study or prayer partner.

Schedule it! This spring we've already had a deck party so that we could enjoy the view with some friends. The same is true with God. If you schedule your quiet time every morning, or your bible study every week you'll make it happen.

Get your kids involved. All it took was having dinner on the deck one night and now the kids want to eat out there every night. They too enjoy the view! And now that I do daily devotions with them, they can't wait for it to happen and ask if I forget. (I've also seen a positive behavioral change in my youngest since beginning the devotions!)

It doesn't take much work to renew my interest in enjoying my view. And it doesn't take much work to renew your relationship with God either! Why not get started today?

With God in your life, you'll enjoy a new point of VIEW!

"Dear friend, listen well to my words; tune your ears to my voice. Keep my message in plain view at all times. Concentrate! Learn it by heart! Those who discover these words live, really live; body and soul, they're bursting with health." Proverbs 4:20, The Message Bible

"And how blessed all those in whom you {God} live, whose lives become roads you travel; They wind through lonesome valleys, come upon brooks, discover cool springs and pools brimming with rain! God-traveled, these roads curve up the mountain, and at the last turn—Zion! God in full view!" Psalm 84:5-7 The Message Bible

Chatty Kelly


Sonya Lee Thompson said...

This is a great reminder, Kelly to work at keeping our relationship with God exciting and new. I love the idea of including the kids and friends.

Tracy Thomas said...

What a great post, Kelly! Thanks for sharing your insights!

Sharon Sloan - Joy In The Truth said...

Gorgeous view!!! :) You are blessed. You really do have to stop and smell the roses....or, in your case, sit and soak in the view every day!!!