Blinded By The Light, Manfred Mann's Earth Band, 1977
"Blinded by the Light" is a song written and originally recorded by Bruce Springsteen. It is best known as a 1977 #1 hit version recorded by Manfred Mann's Earth Band. It also has one of the most misquoted lyrics. What does "revved up like a deuce" mean? It's a car reference. By "deuce" he meant a hot rod, a little deuce coupe, like the Beach Boys sang about. It's slang for a 1932 Ford coupe.
There was also a Biblical runner who was blinded by the light. Before he was known as the Apostle Paul, he was Saul. Saul hated believers of Jesus. Acts 9:1 says Saul was breathing out murderous threats against the Lord's disciples. He hated everything to do with Jesus. But in verse 3 a heavenly light flashed around Saul. The Lord asked Saul "why do you persecute me?" Jesus spoke to Saul from Heaven. And Saul was blinded by the light. I imagine he was also revved up like deuce after the encounter with Jesus.
This encounter changed the murderous Saul into Paul, a self described slave of Christ. (Romans 1:1). Paul spent the rest of his life traveling as a missionary converting people to Christ and writing much of the New Testament, (13 books).
Have you had an encounter with Jesus? Why not seek him, and see what changes he can make in you. And isn't it amazing that it took being blinded for Saul to be able to see?
Musical Musings:
1. Think back in your life. Have you had any encounters with Jesus, or "coincidences" that seem to happen to lead you on the right track?
2. If you can't recall any, pray and ask God to show you the way bearing in mind that sometimes God blinds us to help us see him.
3. God said, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:13). You can't half-heartedly look for Jesus. Seek him today with your whole heart.
Dear Lord, I confess that sometimes I am blind to your ways. Open my eyes that I may see you and know you. Help me seek you with my whole heart. And let me be a life changed like Saul to Paul. Thank you for being a God we can seek and find. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Rock On: Read more about Saul's change to Paul in Acts 9. You can read more of the Books of the Bible written by Paul (inspired by God): Romans, I and II Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, I and II Thessalonians, I and II Timothy, Titus and Philemon.
That's good to know. I won't even tell you what I have always thought that line was!
Love it!
Great use of that song's confusing lyrics. I've missed reading your devos here. I'm going to have to click back and scroll for at least a month's worth, here goes...
Hi Kelly,
Cute devo. I always wondered what that line was--seriously! Thanks for shedding some "light" on it.
Blessings to you, my friend.
Always blessed when I stop by here!
I am always thankful for the times Jesus has completely changed me and my life from the inside out. I wouldn't want it any other way.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Oh how I remember that song.
We're so from the same era.
(handing you a grape crush and one of your sisters chicko sticks.)
I'm now thinking of my Jesus encounters that brought me back on track.
holykisses Kelly,
Please tell the kids to say more funny stuff. I'll be waiting.
LOVE that song!
you are just the cutest!
Will be praying for John....
Love you!
Yeah, where were you in 1977 when I was mumbling some unintelligible at that spot in the song....? Bruce is a gifted songwriter, but his diction through his vocals--even today--still leaves me asking, "What did he just say??"
Nice parallel today. I was reminded of hymnist Fanny Crosby's blindness from birth; it only allowed her to see Him more clearly. Paul was profoundly changed. 'Twas blind, but now we see.
OK you merry trickster.
The blog roll said "Master Plan"
And then I get a broadside of Manfred. But this time I know why. I'm a good pupil. You learn me well teacher.
But you aren't old enough to remember that song new. And you must have heard it on the oldies station in digital format to understand mumbling manfred. Thank you for schooling me again today. Message heard Loud and bright.
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