Even without relationship issues, sometimes it seems like just living a decent and moral life is an uphill battle. It’s hard to do what’s right, especially when no one else seems to care if you don’t, and they’re certainly not. Try as we may, we’re up against more than we can handle on our own. What’s a girl to do? Jordin Sparks continues in her song, “Better go and get your armor.” The Bible says we need to do the same thing! Ephesians 6 says we need to put on the full armor of God. What’s that?
The Sword of the Spirit is the Bible. Armed with the verses in the Bible we can take on any challenge, as it is filled with wisdom and advice on relationships and love, better than anything Dr. Phil or Oprah ever came up with. The Bible even defines what perfect love is: "Real love isn't our love for God, but his love for us. God sent his Son to be the sacrifice by which our sins are forgiven." (1 John 4:10, CEV) Through our belief in Jesus we receive the helmet of Salvation…and it doesn’t even cause hat hair!
The Bible tells us that in God’s armor even our feet are covered with the peace that comes from knowing the truth about Jesus. Girls, that peace looks better on you than Jimmy Choo or Manolo Blahnik ever could.
Finally the shield of faith protects us from being harmed by the world’s attacks. That faith gives us the strength to fight the battle against sin, which is simply doing what the Bible says is wrong. As our faith grows, it gets easier to fight off the temptations to sin, even when the world says its okay.
Prayer too is an essential part of this warfare. As a matter of fact, “Prayer Warrior” is a churchy term for people who pray ceaselessly for others. Because whether we admit it or not, it’s a battle to do what’s right. We need to be considered armed and dangerous to sin and evil.
Relationships can be tough, and life can be tougher. We need every weapon God has issued to protect us. So take the advice of Jordin Sparks and the Bible, “Better go and get your armor.”
Ephesians 6:13 – 17 CEV -- So put on all the armor that God gives. Then when that evil day comes, you will be able to defend yourself. And when the battle is over, you will still be standing firm. Be ready! Let the truth be like a belt around your waist, and let God's justice protect you like armor. Your desire to tell the good news about peace should be like shoes on your feet. Let your faith be like a shield, and you will be able to stop all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Let God's saving power be like a helmet, and for a sword use God's message that comes from the Spirit.
To read more devotionals today, hop on over to the blog of Rachel Olsen who is hosting a devotional carnival.
Jordan Sparks Battlefield Video:
Hello, Friend!
As I read your devotion, I was thinking of the song by Twila Paris that says "Deep inside this armor, the warrior is a child." So thankful He picks us up into His everlasting arms when we are wounded by battle.
Love you! Have fun at the carnival! (where's the Funnel Cake stand!?!?)
Hey girl, this was right on! I only put on part of my armor most days....nudge me girl, nudge me. Tell me when my bare spots are showing!
A battlefield indeed! I love that verse. I'm forever trying to remember where everything goes. Thanks for the reminder!
How often we forget to put on the armor God so lovingly provides!
Good stuff.
Sweet Blessings ~ Rachel
Beautiful devotional, Kelly...and a sweet reminder.
I also loved that you pointed out that
Duh, I realized as soon as I hit "publish your comment" that I didn't finish my statement.
What I was going to say is that I love that you pointed out that the Bible says more relevant things about love and relationships better than anything Dr. Phil or Oprah could ever come up with. Amen!
Like Sharon, I am reminded of the Twila Paris song, "The Warrior Is A Child." The first time I heard this song was shortly after my youngest sister had been tragically killed. It spoke my heart. People kept telling me, "you are so strong." All I could think is: You don't see me when I am face down at HIS feet. This song is still very special to me. I have sang it in church several times and given a little of my testimony. Thanks for taking me back there this morning. It reminds me even more of what HE has done in and through my heart and life.
Love and hugs,
There is a battlefield around us for sure but GREATer is He that is in us than he that is in the world. Praise God we win!
What a moving post this was for me. Too often I fail to remember to equip myself with the armor of God and then wonder why things are coming at me like they are. Thanks once again for a great reminder that we need more than prayer to help us in our daily walk.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
CK, I'm not familiar with that song or artist. But you got the other stuff dead on. Just a quick question. Have you ever heard Pat Benetar's "LOVE IS A BATTLEFIELD?"
Keep on teaching young sister.
You preach it girl! Great post, and I agree with what Chel said about Phil and Oprah.
"and it doesn’t even cause hat hair!" LOL!
Great devo, Kelly. Those verses in Ephesians are some of my favorites. They're so powerful, direct and practical (they guide us in essential battle attire).
I'm sad I missed the carnival. It sounds like it was fun.
We need to be considered armed and dangerous to sin and evil. Love this how true- thanks for sharing this devotional.
Enjoyed your blog today, Kelly. Get that armor on!
Great post and great song!!!
Wow...I'm speechless...(surprising huh? lol)
Thank you for hearing from God on this message...very timely...
Blessings my friend (AND just because you made me cry...as I leave, I will sip a drink of your soda just for fun!)
Oh I so need to pick up my armor and be ready. Thanks for the reminder that the battlefield is not a place we travel alone either.
Blessings, Kelly!!
This one is a "printer".
You know, one of those ones that really hit home.
great post...really.
I was at the GC Buffet today and I only saw three germs...
Yes, yes and yes. Love is costly. (loosely quoting Michael Pink)
sugar? way to go. let me know how you feel. the first 3 days are the worst after that you are super woman...linda carter - wonder woman.
Hey! Left you a present over at my blog.
CK! I can't get to your newest post!
My sermon tonight was about how relationships are sometimes like a war zone. So, I really connected with this post. And, yes, the Bible does give wisdom in how to deal with our relationship battles. Good post.
I don't remember what you call it, but in list of new blog postings I clicked on Celebrity Doppelganger two or three times and it said it wasn't available.
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