My life can be messy. Seems like those same issues keep coming up and I wonder if I'll ever get it right! At the same time, I can look at some of my old issues that I've overcome and see that they are now a testimony to God's sovereignty over my life.
Truth is, we all have messy things in our life. I'm not talking about housekeeping. Our sin, our mistakes, our failures make our life a mess. Yet, when we trust in God and keep working through Him on our behaviors, he can change us. And when that happens, what a testimony! A chance to witness about the difference in our lives because of Jesus.
How about you? Feel like a mess sometimes? Why not turn your mess over to God, and see what testimony comes of it. A life turned to Christ. God turns our mess into His message.
1 Thessalonians 1:8a -- The Lord's message rang out from you...your faith in God has become known everywhere.
I love hearing how God takes someone messes(mine included) And turns them into a message of hope.
I have someone who is very dear to me and there's alot of messes in their life. So, when I'm asked "how are they doing?" I say "He's out collecting his testimony."
love and hugs~Tammy
Oh girl, I am a total mess without Jesus (and sometimes with Him). But you're right, He always turns things around and makes a testimony out of it all.
I love that!
Oh, Sweetie...U know I am a mess. Thank GOD, HE takes all my messes and uses them to accomplish HIS good will. I am always amazed as I watch HIM. We often forget: "The truth sets us free." We so often like to pretend we did not make the mess in our must be someone else's fault. Once GOD convinced me to share my disasters with others the tide turned. My witness has become more effective b/c my friends know I clearly do NOT have it all together all the time. I am clearly a work in progress!
Great post, Kelly! You always make me think!
Hugs and prayers,
I'm living proof that if you ignore the mess, it just keeps piling up.
Time to admit that I cannot do it alone.
Thank you Ms Kelly, Maam.
What a good message and Isn't He an Awesome God! If we had as many messes to clean up as He does, we would be moaning and groaning...
Thanks for sharing!
I love that saying... and it is so true in my life. I thought I was the only one who has had to go through certain messy a time or two and wondered when I would learn the lesson or get the message. Thank you for the reminder!!
God has heard me say "I'm so sorry for the mess I've made of this. Will you please help me clean it up?" numerous times. I'm so glad He doesn't grow weary of us. :)
Have you ever wished Psalms and Proverbs could be more organized by subject? Like all the Psalms on lamenting in one section, praise in another. Same with Proverbs - instead of verses on money, love, discipline, etc. scattered all over, put them in one or two chapters together. I've thought that a lot, esp since I write on Proverbs. But, think about it, the "messy" arrangement of these two books fits with the messy arrangement of life. If we read through the Psalms and Proverbs consistently, we will find a reading that fits where we are right now: up or down, happy or sad, joyous or despondent. The messy arrangement of these books perfectly meets the messiness of our lives. Good post.
So thankful His strength is made perfect in our weakness and that He makes beauty from ashes.
And by the way, friend, I don't think you are "a messy" at all!
Love ya,
I love that phrase! I hate it when I clean something up and immediately someone messes it up again. That must be how God feels about me sometimes!
Yes, I have plenty of messes! Great perspective, Kelly!
God has plenty to work with in my life!
Love that!!!
That's awesome, Kelly!
And particularly good to hear TODAY.
Oh yeah, I know about messes. A lot about them. I also know alot about His message and it is "He Loves Me!" How amazing. His message is so amazing. Always love your perspective. Gold nuggets.
I love that saying "...mess...into message..." Needed to stop by here tonight!!! Thanks for this post:) Heaven
Oh this really speaks to my heart Sis!
Your words here said it all:
"My life can be messy. Seems like those same issues keep coming up and I wonder if I'll ever get it right! At the same time, I can look at some of my old issues that I've overcome and see that they are now a testimony to God's sovereignty over my life."
Thank you for reminding me that GOD turns my mess into a Message that blesses and glorifies HIM.
Love you.
Great thought and something to focus on while in the mess of life. I've also heard a similar line that our tests become our testimony!! I've enjoyed reading His message here!! Blessings, Jill
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