Take my friend, Edie. She lives in Texas. I've never met her, but I consider her a good friend. We leave each other comments regularly. I imagine what it will be like if I ever get to meet her. Surely, we'd sit down over a big pot of coffee and share stories about her grandkids and my kids, all girls around the same age. We'd share stories of her dog Toby, and my THREE dogs! We'd laugh over funny stories about my sister and how much we both like her. I wonder what Edie's voice might sound like and what it would be like to spend time together.
I have countless others, but if I start naming names I'm sure to get in trouble by leaving out someone special, but you know who you are. We've prayed for each other, shared stories via email and blogs, laughed out loud at each others comments, and just thought "wow, a good friend I've never even met."
That's what I think about Jesus! Some people wonder how you can have a relationship with someone you haven't seen! But I haven't seen many of you bloggers and you are special to me.
I may not have ever seen Jesus in person, but He is most certainly my best friend. And just as it is so sweet to have the opportunity to finally be face to face with a special blog friend, imagine the blessed reunion when we finally get to be face to face with Jesus.
John 20:29b -- {Jesus said,} "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."
John 15:14 -- {Jesus said,} "You are my friends if you do what I command."
John 15:13 -- Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
I have a bloggy friend that I have never met and she has become one of my best friends! She is coming all the way from New York to South Africa in May with her hubby to stay with us and volunteer with our orphans! How good is God?!!!
I love this Kelly. I am truly amazed how connecting the internet is in a good way. I believe God is doing something special with our connections. Imagine all of us seeing the One we blog about most together. No more posting. Just Praise. B
AMEN!! Great post.
Edie has a sweet voice...U should call her, sometime. One step closer to meeting her in person.
Blessings, andrea
This is great. My bloggy friends were so sweet and kind when Daddy passed away. Even though I don't know them, I feel the Presence of God through their comforting words. This was a great post!
Yes, I feel like that about Jesus. Can't wait to wrap my arms around him. What a day that will be!
You have such a gift for analogies!
I'm so glad God made us friends. I think that conversation would be filled with lots of God talk too.
I am SO looking forward to the day when I get to see HIM face to face, look directly into His eyes when I speak to Him, and hear His voice!
What a sweet comparison! I have often tried to visualize what it would be like to have coffee with some of my bloggy friends, too. How sweet it will be when we get to spend eternity with Him AND with each other! :-)
You are so right! Have never met Jesus in person but He is my very best friend!
I definitely consider you a friend. As a matter of fact, you were one of my first commenter and encouraged to me, when I first started this blogging adventure.
love and hugs~Tammy
I hear you on this one, Kelly. I've been blessed to meet or talk on the phone with several blogging friends, and I'm always, always delighted. There are truly some wonderful women out there.
While I'd love to meet even more of the women, I cannot wait to meet Jesus face to face. Oh, how I'm looking forward to that day.
Fantastic post... What a day it will be! You have a wonderful way with words. Love reading your posts! Thanks for sharing what's on your heart.
What a sweet post Kelly. It really does feel great to connect with others. Whenever I read blogs I feel like I am actually hearing the voice of the blogger.
Jesus' face is the first face I really want to see.
Have a blessed day!
I think you'd cringe and pretend you didn't see me. But I'm used to that now. And having people grab their children from my path, like I might eat them. And I just might you know!
This was an awesome post.
I thank my dear sweet Jesus everyday for my "I've never seen" friends. Friends like you. You have been a good bloggy friend to me. And Your gift of encouragement has made everyone who you touch love your Never seen friend Jesus so much more. They read about His love and feel it too through your words in this blog.
I love you my friend
First of all, I can't think of any funny stories that you might have about your sister. Hmm, maybe you were talking about ET. Luckily you added the part about how much you both like her. haha. jk.
Once again you have taken a real life story and made a great analogy out of it. What a gift you have!
I love this post, written beautifully.
I was smiling so big reading your post... -- and then I read your comments and just started chuckling.
It's gonna be one fine day... when we're all united together before Him! One gigantic worship service.
I love ya Kelly who's always teaching me something new and making me smile.
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