Friday, November 27, 2009

Christmas Miracles

This isn't a book review. I haven't read the book show here, Christmas Miracles, by Cecil Murphey and Marley Gibson. No, but I was almost published in it. I submitted my story of a Christmas miracle to this book, and received the response that it would be included with the other stories of people who experienced miracles at Christmas.

I was overjoyed! To be published in a REAL book would be so amazing, and something with Cecil Murphey's name attached to it, unbelievable. Soon thereafter I received my contract and signed and returned it, eagerly awaiting the book's publication. But then somethings happened. "We regret to inform you...." Seems the publisher thought the book was too long. Six stories had to be cut. Six. One of them mine.

The disappointment was pretty big. No publication, no name in print. It stung. Time has passed, and my wound has healed, but to see the book in print does recreate the longing. But I made a connection with Cecil Murphey and have had a chance to email with him a few times. He is really nice, and I'm blessed by the connection. I've submitted my story to another venue (Chicken Soup for the Soul) and I can hope it will be accepted there.

So I have a choice. I can decide to be miserable that my story wasn't published, or I be thankful for the connections made and hope for another chance to be published.

What disappointments are facing you this Christmas? What will you decide? To be miserable, or to find something to be thankful for, and to look ahead with hope. If we could all change our thinking to be thankful and hopeful, well wouldn't that be the biggest Christmas miracle of all?

Romans 5:3-5 -- Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

Chatty Kelly

This devotional will be printed over at Eternity Cafe tomorrow as part of the 40 Days of Focus, to focus on the 40 days before Christmas. This is to prepare our hearts for the celebration of Jesus' birth, as well as prepare our hearts for His triumphant return. Why not head over and visit?


Bonita said...

I can imagine your disappointment, Kelly, but what an accomplishment to write a story that was worthy to be published in such a book. Great job! Every time you see that book think about the fact that you wrote well enough to be included in it, even if it didn't actually happen as planned.

Mocha with Linda said...

I'm sorry for your disappointment, Kelly. Love your perspective.

Blasé said...

I love you...but not because you're beautiful!

Andrea said...

This story really hit home. I had to deal with a hurtful situation with my biological father, yesterday. I had to make the choice to allow his attitude and comments to another family member to upset me or roll off my back. Normally, I handle this well, but this time there was a "jerk and pain" in my spirit. I took a deep breath and gave it to GOD. I must remember though my earthly Father does not know how to be a "dad" I have a Heavenly Father that exceeds anything I could want or desire from a human and is "always" there for me...HE never fails me!
Blessings, hugs, and prayers,

PS: GOD has an even better place for your story. HE knows what HE is doing! Hang in there!

Susan Panzica - EternityCafe said...

Just a reminder that we have your post scheduled for tomorrow (the 28th)over at Eternity Cafe!

Thanks again for being part of the 40 Day Focus!

Sharon@JoyInTheTruth said...

Oh I am wishing I could read about your Christmas miracle!!!!!!! I'd love to read it! Have you or can you share it here...or is that a "no no"?

Love you friend! Praying you home tomorrow from your Father- and Mother-in-Love's home.

KrippledWarrior said...

As soon as it gets published let me know and I'll hack a copy out for posting on the internet so that free speech will continue to be free.
Love you bunches, in spite of you being beautiful.

Carmen said...

Oh man! That was brutal! If it was good enough to be considered for that book, it will make it into another, I am sure ( my apostrophe wonèt work...weird). Anyway, glad you are keeping your chin up! You shall succeed with that attitude!

Edie said...

The "Almost" can have a real sting to it sometimes. I'm sorry you weren't published in the book, but God always has a better plan and a purpose. He has one for you my friend.

Angela said...

I relate to your disappointment and am sorry that you were dealt such a sting. I do love your attitude about it...and knwo that God will use it to bless you and others.

Sonya Lee Thompson said...

Disappointment is the most challenging of all emotions for me! I'm sorry for the almost in a book trauma, but way to go girl! You submitted and it did make the first cut. I'm believing it will appear where it needs to in order to glorify God the most!

Love you!

prashant said...

I love you...but not because you're beautiful!

Work From Home india

Kay said...

Oh Kelly I so appreciate this post. As a writer myself I have felt the sting of rejection way too often, but this incident that happened to you is beyond simple rejection; it's just plain disappointment. After all, you weren't rejected; you were accepted. It just wasn't meant to be. I guess that's how it is often. Thanks for sharing you story and for being so vulnerable. Your bravery to move on and your good attitude have inspired me.

Violet Carr Moore said...

Christmas Miracles is filled with stories of inspiration. I hope you will read the book even though your story was cut. I felt the same excitement when I signed the contract for my story (Miracle on the Train,page 88). Don't be discouraged. Try again.

Violet Carr Moore