Monday, August 17, 2009

God Knows My Heart

It's no secret that I don't take rejection well. God knows my heart, and so when I submitted my very first article it was accepted. This was the jump start I needed to get me to continue writing. I subsequently found out that my experience was very rare and that rejection is the rule in writing. I then started to get rejected. But I kept getting enough acceptances to keep me writing.

The writers conference was hard. I felt overwhelmed. So many good writers...where do I fit in? I wrote this draft blog post last Wednesday.

One of my favorite children's authors is Kevin Henkes. I love each of his books so much, but my favorite is Chrysanthemum. Chrysanthemum is a little girl mouse and she loves her name. She loves everything about it...until she goes to
school. Then when the other children tease and taunt her she comes home and
tells her parents, "School is no place for me."

I know how she feels. I love writing. I love everything about it! Yet, after attending the writers conference I feel like running home and exclaiming "Writing is no place for me!" I'm not thick-skinned and I don't face rejection well. The truth is, the writing market is filled with writers all hoping to be published.

I'm not a great writer. On a good day, I'm a good writer. So where does that leave me? Well, Chrysanthemum got macaroni & cheese, and Parcheesi to cheer her up.
But the thing that made the most difference was when her favorite teacher
validated her worth.

My favorite Teacher is, of course, Jesus. Certainly he has validated my worth. He died for me. But where does that leave me as a writer? Still confused. Perhaps I'm just called to be a Blogger Extraordinaire. Perhaps I'm to write magazine articles. As Simon Cowell would say, maybe I'm good enough for the Karaoke bar, but not for a recording label.

Maybe that's okay. Because God didn't call me to be published. He called me to write. So I will.

I thought I'd publish this last Friday, then decided to "sleep on it" and perhaps post it today. A funny thing happened on Friday. I received a contract for a piece I'd submitted. A piece I'd already received a rejection letter for. This contract was a COMPLETE surprise. I had nothing out for publication, and didn't plan on sending anything anytime soon.

To me, God is encouraging me to keep submitting. It doesn't mean I have to write a book. But perhaps I am called to write and seek publication. So I will!

Chatty Kelly


Truth4thejourney said...

This is a heartfelt post today, my friend. Check out my post this morning. God is calling you to write because that is how His word will get into the hearts of His people!

Keep writing, and submitting!

Sonya Lee

Carol said...

I'm so with you, friend. I got another rejection on an article last week. It's hard to write and just let it go. It's all in His hands. He will accomplish a good work in me. It's not my choice how He does it. I have to remember that. Thanks for this. :)

My ADHD Me said...

Good for you!

Now STAY OUT of that Karaoke Bar(and I'll stay out of the tavern!)

Julie Gillies said...

I LOVE this post, Kelly. God faithfully encourages us along the way, doesn't He?

I'm linking arms with you, girl...we'll walk this crazy publishing road together!

Sue J. said...

I know that you are being filled with encouraging words now, even as "rejection" letters come through. Perhaps a post-it with some other definitions for "rejection"--

*No space in our upcoming issues.

*Just published on that topic with a different emphasis.

*Great focus, but our latest focus groups say they won't read this kind of article in our magazine.

*Love the energy and analogy, but we're finding a better fit for this issue with a different story.

You have spoken the truth plainly regarding the industry. What you need to come to grips with is that writing goes "beyond industry." You publish faithfully here reaching your followers and those unknown. God continues to open doors and bring new people to you.

Let your joyful wellspring bubble over, and look beyond the earthly. As He blessed your commitment to tithing way back when, so He will continue to bless as you are faithfully committed to Him in what you do.

That, AND, stay out of the Karaoke Bar!

Greg C said...

That is an awesome story. One day I will write about the story of my increadable luck. It isn't luck at all.

Beth in NC said...

Praise God for the contract and the encouragement to keep moving forward! You are so much further along than me, yet I have all intentions of writing a book within the next couple of years. I have never even submitted ONE article. I wouldn't even know where to start really.

Keep moving forward in the desires of your heart. God placed that desire and gift within you!


Lois Lane II said...

This is so inspiring to me, because my husband and I are trying to get published. God may have encouraged you, but He also used you to encourage me! =)

Andrea said...

Thank you for sharing openly and honestly with all of us. Continue to be encouraged. GOD is using you far beyond what you can grasp. HE has big plans...just keep on keeping on.
GOD BLESS, andrea

PS: prayer request on arise 2 write

Sharon@JoyInTheTruth said...

Oh I love this testimony to God's faithfulness and His amazing timing!! Wow wow wow!

I love your heart, your tenderness, your perseverence and your writing!

Heart2Heart said...


I love when rejections come up. Sometimes I see them much like red pen on a freshly completed handwritten essay you get back from your teacher.

They are meant to push you to become better, better than what you just submitted. Perhaps send it along to someone better who needs to read it. It is meant to get you to quit, get mad and just give up, but you don't. You press on. Not because you have an assignment to complete, but because there is something better inside you that is waiting to come out.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Melanie and Alisa said...

Oh I love your surprise ending. Now that's good writing!
I'm rejoicing with you over the "acceptance" letter.

T. Anne said...

WOW that encouraged me so much!!!!! I'm so thrilled for you. Our God is a BIG and mighty God, pretty nice too ;)

Tammy said...

Please keep on writing. Your writing always gives me insight and blesses me.

God doesn't ask us to be perfect just available.

love and hugs~Tammy

B His Girl said...

Now this makes me smile: ) Didn't someone rather famous say 'Never give up!' Sometimes we want to lower our expectations, settle, and say oh well, I tried. Hello...God just told you to think again sister! Keep your pen in hand. Thank you Lord for pulling a fast one on Kelly. It is an encouragement to all of us. Thank you for the communication gift you have given her and many others. I pray all use what you have given them, being confident that you never waste anything. You do MORE than we can ask or imagine with our gifts, especially when our gift is really our heart turned toward you. Keep walking and writing Kelly. B

B His Girl said...

oh, that comment was not from me. I am sure of that. It was from the Lord to you. B

Beverlydru said...

I'm so glad you are encouraged. And I'm so glad you write because you're called to write. I know the feelings you are describing... I often feel that way about the speaking arena. But I can't keep silent. Great post.

Laurie said...

Hi Kelly,
I love what you wrote and can relate to it oh so well. (I have the same questions and struggles- as you know:) Congratulations on the contract!!! God knows how to keep us going, doesn't He?
I am thankful for you sister. You are a gifted lady! I appreciate who you are- as a writer, mother, and friend. I am confident that God will finish the good work He has begun in your writing and elsewhere! Love, Laurie

KelliGirl said...

Oh, my, I can relate. You definitely have to keep at. Don't be discouraged! I just love that God gave you that pick me up just when you needed it.

Embrace the gifts God gave you. Be the kind of writer HE wants you to be.

BTW, I love Chrysanthemum almost as much as Lilly, although Julius - Baby of the World tops my list too.

Irritable Mother said...

God is very clever in His timing, isn't He?
I think He sometimes waits for us to completely submit a thing to Him - so we know it is HIS, and not ours - and then He lets us have it. But it can be so difficult to surrender!
That's where I am on a couple of fronts right now. "God, this is Yours. Do with it what You will!" But I struggle with not trying to grab it back.
Congratulations on your contract. Keep trusting him!

Kay Martin said...

Wonderful. Many will be blessed as your writing is on a broader "screen."

Billy Coffey said...

Other than being a soldier or a police officer, I can see no other profession that requires as much downright courage as a writer.

But I agree with Sonya Lee - this is your calling.

Ronel Sidney said...

It can be difficult to put yourself out there and not get acceptance... I think your an amazing write who has a great heart at showing transparency and His work He has done or is doing in your life... keep pushing through no matter what!!

Runner Mom said...

Love this!! Kelly you have been given a gift that God will use when you least expect it!! He is so awesome that way! I love to read what you write! Keep it up!!

Leslie said...

This is a beautiful post! I think I haven't posted about the conference because I came away feeling overwhelmed, too. When I was really writing about 10 years ago, I discovered all of the difficulties of getting published. I think I was hoping that with the internet as it is now and with blogging that perhaps publishing had gotten easier. It doesn't seem to be and may even be harder!

Since the conference, my thinking has been that I should just write and let God do what He wants with it. If I can show just one person who He is through my writing, then it has been worth it.

Hugs and Love, Leslie