It was insured, so we filed a claim and later I purchased a replacement bracelet. I got over the loss and life went on. Until my daughter pulled all the sofa cushions off of the sofa to build a tower with them and exclaimed "Look mom, I found your bracelet!"
Now some might think I was thrilled by this news, but actually my first thought was "quick, stuff it back into the sofa!" We'd already filed the claim, gotten the money and spent it on another bracelet. Not very graceful, huh? Of course I had to let the insurance company know, and we had to repay the money. So my first thought was not to be thrilled. (I am happy now to have it back. And having 2 bracelets isn't so bad when you realize you have 2 precious daughters whom you can pass them on to).
We are blessed to have a God who is more committed to us and finds us more precious, than I did that bracelet. If we become lost, he doesn't just replace us with a new believer. He continues to try and bring us back to him, regardless of the cost.
What once was lost, now is found. That is God's grace to us. Isn't it amazing?
Matthew 18:12-14 -- If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, I tell you the truth, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost.
Luke 15:3-7 -- Then Jesus told them this parable: "Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.' I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.
You really honored the Lord with how you handled that! That is a priceless gift to your daughters, too! :)
Happy Weekend!
"If we become lost, he doesn't just replace us with a new believer." I had never even thought of this before. So, yes, you made me glad he doesn't do that!
Great reminder of God's amazing love for us!
You passed the test Kelly. I love how the Lord keeps looking for us, waiting for us, loving us. I'm very thankful for His patience and perseverance. b
I remember that incident well. I believe it involved scoping out the Target parking lot looking for a needle in a haystack.
I also know, being human, it would have been easy to shout with joy over finding the new bracelet and conveniently forget to notify the insurance company.
I was proud of you for notifying them and now you can wear your beautiful bracelet with a clear conscience. Looks like the devil lost that battle.
And like you day each daughter will now have one. Of course you realize they will still fight over who gets the
About a week after my husband proposed to me, I lost my engagement ring!We looked everywhere, but couldn't find it.
And I felt terrible. How could I have done such a thing???!!!
But several days later, it was found. Underneath the couch. Have NO IDEA how it got there, but I sure was rejoicing to have it back!
What is it with couches and lost items? My son's DS recently spent a week or so IN the couch, too. Weird.
You did the right thing and I love the idea of 2 bracelets for 2 daughters!
Yes it is amazing and I have found it once again. Great post Kelly. It hit close to home in a lot of ways.
I love how you turned this into a spiritual lesson! Praise God He seeks us who are lost!
This reminds me...I need to send a check to the company that accidentally sent me 2 extra books recently!
Our kids watch everything we do. Hopefully your girls witnessed your act of honesty and learned a lesson from this! And it is wonderful that you now have a bracelet for each of them in the future. I think God blessed them with a mom of integrity and with bracelets!
It was me that found it!!!!
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Isn't it amazing that God searches for even one of us and celebrates when we're found.
I love this story for many reasons. Your dear heart for your family is beautiful. Your dear husband knew just what to select for his wife on her treasured his knew you HAD to do the RIGHT thing: inform the insurance company and make it right...realizing your daughters can each share in this beautiful gift in their lives...and then you wonderfully weave this into Our Father keeping us forever in His close care.
Staying Found is a book I found when I first began survey work. It's for navigation; but I kept it to use as analogy for all of us living in Christ. I want always to stay found in're right I will; because of our Heavenly Father.
Love your writing...keep blessing us.
What a great lesson turned into a spiritual truth! I love how you modeled honesty to your daughter.
Hi Kelly,
I really ejoyed this post. You are a fine example to your girls. I liked your statement, "If we become lost, he doesn't just replace us with a new believer. He continues to try and bring us back to him, regardless of the cost." What an awesome God we have to think that He would never replace us and continues to try and bring those who are lost back to Him. Absolutely beautifully written. I rest in this tonight. Oh how I love Him so.
The joy of finding almost makes the pain of losing worth it. My experience, anway.
And good for you for doing the honest thing and calling the insurance company. I bet you bowled them over with that one.
Yes that really is amazing. I'm so glad He considers me a *keeper*.
Love you!
Love your model of integrity too. :)
My Mum did that with her engagement ring.
She kept her old one and gave the new one she had made to me. She didn't mind paying back the insurance company. Her ring was irreplacable in her eyes.
Amazing grace. It overwhelms me daily. Love these devotionals. So real - hitting me right where I live.
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