As my regular readers know, I grew up in a home with a mentally ill mom. She raised us kids to believe in God and even sent us to Christian school. We went to church on Sundays as much as possible. But it seemed to more tradition that a living vibrant faith. Even when my mom did show some kind of living faith, it was usually messed up by the mental illness.
On Good Friday, my mom would sob and cry out "They're killing my Jesus!" As an adult I tried to explain to her, no they're not. They did on that Good Friday years ago crucify Jesus, but he is raised! He is not crucified again every Good Friday, no more than he becomes an infant again every Christmas. Still my mom would rant on his crucifixion. The interesting thing is, she never exhibited that same over-the-top jubilance on Easter Sunday, as she did sorrow on Good Friday.
How does this tie into what Easter means to me? While I love remembering on Easter Sunday that Jesus is risen, and singing the songs, it bothers me that some people only celebrate this on Easter. Jesus Christ is risen! Not just April 12 (Easter's date this year), but on April 13th too! We should be singing praises every day! Jesus is risen! Amen!
On Good Friday I think we should REMEMBER that Jesus WAS crucified. Watching the video depiction below literally brings me to tears because of what Jesus suffered. But he is suffering no more. No, he rules in Heaven and will return to rule on Earth. He is alive! And because Jesus is alive, we too will get to be alive. We will have eternal life with him.
Easter, Resurrection Sunday, means to me that I get to spend eternity with Jesus. Then I too will have no more pain or suffering or sadness. Joy to the World! The Lord has come...and is coming again! Celebrate Jesus' Resurrection everyday! Hallelujah!
Romans 8:11 -- And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you.
I do think we need to remember that indeed He is risen!!!
your post is poignant
can you believe He did that for us?!!! WOW! He blows me away.
I was looking at the schedule of "Holy Week" events in our local paper and thought to myself. "but every week is a holy week!" But this is indeed a time when the worldwide Christian community considers the HUGE importance of the crucifixion and resurrection. I love to dwell on "It's Friday but... Sunday's comin'!!!"
P.S. I love that song by Kari Jobe. I've been on that song for 2 weeks. Every day. My piano and me.
Amen Kelly! And I so agree with this:
"We should be singing praises every day! Jesus is risen! Amen!"
What He did for us is amazing. He has risen as He said. We rejoice daily in that revelation and because of it we will live forevermore with HIM!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!
Love you Sis.
Wonderful, wonderful, post. The Lord has certainly turned lots of ashes to beauty in your life, hasn't He? And we do indeed need to live in joy every day knowing that He is Risen...He triumphed...He holds the victory and we will one day be with him.
Kelly, this was a great post and I truly mean it. We have something in common with our moms...
Blessings! Heaven
It's all "Because of the Cross". When Jim was in the empty tomb during his recent visit to Isreal, he was overwhelmed. "He is not here! He is risen!"
Kelly, I've been praying for you this morning. As I was just drying my hair, I was praying for you again. I know your story being cut but the senior editor is so disappointing for you. I so appreciate your honest and humble heart. Our Gather & Grow group is doing Lysa's book "What Happens When Women Walk By Faith". We are in the "death phase" of faith right now. In the chapter titled "God is Not Surprised by Death", it reminds us "Death is not defeat".
Only our mighty God brings life and beauty out of death. He does it in His creation (such as seeds) and most importantly He did it in the death and resurrection of our Redeemer and Lord. Truly amazing.
Remember this "death" doesn't mean your dream is over. Our perfect Senior Editor is in control. He is the Author and Perfector of our faith!
Love you, friend. I pray He continues to minister His perfect love, truth and peace to you during this time. Because of the cross...He makes all things new. (It's interesting this news came to you during this time of year...He is so gracious.)
Hugs, love and prayers,
Hi Kelly,
It sure was interesting to read about your childhood Easter memories, Kelly. As a child, your mom's actions must have been at least a little confusing. But the GOOD NEWS is that HE IS RISEN, as you pointed out to your mom years later. Cause for celebration!
Oh, and I LOVE Kari Jobe. I had the pleasure of seeing her in concert as part of Gateway's worship conference last fall. It was absolutely amazing.
Hugs & Prayers!
When I think of Easter I do remember the years when I was a child that we only went to Church on Christmas and Easter. I think my fondest memories though were going to Easter sunrise services on the beach. I liked them very much. I have mixed feelings about people who just go to Church on Christmas and Easter still to this day. And my mother was a different kind of mentally ill but she was and still is sick.
Kelly you've touched upon the very core of who we are as Christians! We are EASTER PEOPLE!
That doesn't mean we don't remember the crucifixion - never should we forget it. It means that we are also remember that through the crucifixion - we have ETERNAL LIFE.
Thank you for sharing with us so openly. I am grateful you have been able to become such a faith-filled Christian - and that you are in my life:-)
Let us not forget Friday wasn't the end of the story! "It's Friday, but Sunday's comin'!"
Thanks for sharing!
I plan to watch The Passion of the Christ this weekend. I haven't seen it since it was in theaters. I bought the dvd 2 years ago but haven't watched it yet because I remember how intense it was. My oldest son wanted to see it when it first came out, but I thought he was too young at the time. He's 14 now, and I'm hoping he still has an interest in watching it.
So true!!! Love the post!
It was a real step forward in my faith to be able to understand that we need to walk with His birth, death and resurrection every day, not just on these special holidays. The unfolding of God's plan through His Word, through Jesus' life--and knowing that it was all for US, right now!--that's really amazing and humbling. Thanks for bringing them both together.
So very true...we should remember the joy of the resurrection all through the year! :)
You are so right! We should have Easter everyday! Thanks for this blessed reminder!
Friday is a dark and sad day but the excitement for Monday overshadows it completely.
I had forgotten how she would cry and carry on like that and as you said, on Easter...nothing.
Lovely post Kelly.
We will be away camping at Easter so I'm planning of having a quiet time of devotion instead of attending church.
Have a blessed weekend
You're post touched me. I worked for years in mental health, some of my patients were the sweetest people you could ever hope to encounter. Thank goodness he is risen! So much hope it's almost difficult to wrap my head around!
He is risen, Kelly.
He is risen, indeed!
I love that song. I love Jesus!!!
Yes, He's Alive. And He worthy of our praise everyday. B
We have a Good Friday service at church that somberly and powerfully brings home the message of Jesus' crucifixion. To follow it up on Sunday with Easter puts the joyous resurrection in better perspective. It's hard to even grasp the immensity of the entire Easter story. Jesus is truly amazing and awesome. Wow!
Bless your heart. Thank you for sharing about your live and what Easter means to you. Amen.
Amen Sister! Loved your reason for wanting to celebrate Reserrection Sunday (growing up we were NOT allowed to call it Easter!)
I agree that we should be celebrating this every day because, "My Redeemer Lives!" (I'm singing over here :)
Love you!
What a wonderful post and timely reminder. And your childhood stories are fascinating.
When I was growing up I never knew the meaning of Easter. It was about the bunny. I love that I now get to teach my little ones that it is about Jesus coming back to life. Ashleigh and I discussed it today.
The Lord has Risen!
He Lives, He Lives, I know He lives!! He Lives within my heart!!
As I was reading about your friend's Birthday... and you were describing yourself, though I have never met you face to face, I was thinking, "Who don't know that!!"
Your personality shines in everything you say!!!
I couldn't have said it better myself!
He is risen, JUST AS HE SAID! What joy it is to know that he loved us and followed through on his promise! What HOPE!
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