Wednesday's show: The Bottom Three were picked - Lil, Anoop and Matt. Lil & Anoop seem to be in the bottom a lot lately. Matt has only been twice. Who would be voted off the show?
First Anoop was sent to sit down. He was safe. It seemed to me that is must be Lil. Because if Lil was safe, I think it would have been better to send her to the chairs and everyone would be freaking to find out if it was Anoop or Matt. No, it HAD to be Lil. The judge, Simon, had said her song choices were wrong for weeks. It was Lil, I knew it.
Then they announced it. Matt was the lowest vote getter. He'd be going home. UNLESS, the judges saved him. They had one save to use the entire season. Matt sang, trying to earn the save. You could tell he was near tears. He wanted to be saved so much. Then Simon announced it, "It's good news." Simon told Matt the good news, he was saved! Tears poured down Matt's face.
The funny thing is Matt was already saved before the judges said anything. Because Matt Girard is a Christian.
Have you heard the good news? Like Matt, you have been saved too! The Judge, the only judge, God has determined that you can be saved. You don't have to sing to earn a matter of fact there is nothing you can do to earn it. You simple have to believe that Jesus died on the cross for you, was raised from the dead, and make him the Lord of your life!
You too can cry tears of joy, like Matt Giraurd. You've been saved!
Acts 2:21 -- And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
Acts 4:12 -- Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."
Romans 10:9 -- That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Oh, that's great! I don't want AI (past my bed time) but this is a great story! How exciting! Excited for Matt! I bet those words "you're saved" rang so true to him!
I haven't had a chance to watch this season, but I have in the past. This is an excellent analogy!
Happy Friday:-)
Hope to see you on Sunday.
I didn't get home from chuch in time to watch the results. One save...and he got it. I guess I'd cry, too.
But, thank you God, I don't have to "earn" the free gift of salvation!
Where else but on a blog could you have a devotional based on current events? I love it.
Wish this could be passed around to every pc in the country.
I am so thankful that I don't have to watch American Idol to be saved. But thanks for the report anyway. It was a great analogy.
I was honestly surprised that they used the Judges' Save, as I had thought they wouldn't. I have to say, not knowing any back story after the call, that Simon was rather reluctant, it appeared, in using it. Matt is one of my favorites, but I know he's not going to be the next American Idol. (And I didn't think he was the worst that night either!)
Regardless, I didn't know Matt was a Christian, but God had plans for him and for this decision that was made. Time will tell the reason why. (They'll all need help with disco week!)
Enjoyed it...and good seeing you today!
Kelly, you come up with the most profound analogies. You see God in everything. Isn't that what the Bible says, that the pure in heart will see Him. Yes, we will see Him face to face, but the pure in heart can also "see" Him in action all around. That's what you do!
I was quite happy for Matt. I really expected Lil to go. I'm really not surprised they used the save considering they only had one more week left that they could use it. Plus, we're down to the last few contestants now so it was likely going to be someone that has been in the bottom a few times who got saved, if any one at all.
That is a good comparison. I'll be thinking of that next week when I watch.
I watched the show and was so surprised at the outcome! I thought Lil would be gone too. I didn't know Matt was a christian. So cool, and a great analogy!
What great news!! Maybe if enough Christians show up on Idol they will make an impression on Everyone!! Including the Judges!!
I will never forget what Mandesa said to Simon, wonder if he will!!
I didn't know Matt was a Christian either. I really thought they could have sent all 3 home. (My, I'm being mean and judgmental for a beautiful Friday afternoon!) I believe that Lil and either Anoop or Matt will go home next week. I'm pretty certain the top 3 will be Adam, Danny, and Allison. In the end I think it will come down to Adam and Allison. Boy, just listen to me, trying to be the judge! Don't get too close to me my fellow bloggers...I may just be struck by lightening!
Good post!
Loved this post. I heard he was a Christian. I hope he comes back next week and blows them all away. Kris is also a Christian, a worship leader at his church as is Danny and I heard that Lil is a Christian also.
And I am so thankful our Judge didn't have only one save to use. It only took One to save...and that was enough for all.
And it makes me feel like singing! *grin*
Hi Kelly - I always enjoy coming by here! I don't watch AI but I felt like I was in it as you brought it all to life. I was blessed in your message! He is saved! We are saved! Praise THE LORD!
(off topic) Hey my friend!!! I'm still around and I'm NOT ignoring you!! :)
Thank you for not giving up on me. The Tea Party was incredible!! We had about 2500 in attendance. It was amazing! God was all over this! He orchestrated all of the details in amazing ways and still is!!
Congressman Joe Barton and Gov Rick Perry spoke and dashed off. This movement is continuing until WE THE PEOPLE are heard.
I'm so far behind on everything, but it should get better now that I have a committee formed and have help. Yay!!
I have to go do a blog design for someone now so I'll talk with ya later!!
Love ya!
Ok CK...
So obviously you wear your faith/religion on your sleeve, shirt, and all over your entire Blog. GOODNESS GRACIOUS (Lawd Have Mercy)!!!
You are "saved", yet you watch 'American Idol' (ahem, "Idol")
Anyway...I would love to hook-up with your 'followers' family, BUT, you would probably think that the Devil himself was infecting your safe-haven. Curses!
I love you nevertheless, and so does God (yeah I know, you already know that). ;)
I didn't know that about Matt. i had heard that there were a few believers in the finals ten, but didn't know who they were. Great analogy. :)
Ok, CK…here’s the deal
First, you being the sister of ‘My ADHD Me’ has just scored you some points with me beyond measure. Me, and her go waaaay back. Well, not really but I feel like I’ve know her for many years. Please tell her it would be nice if she were to remove her firefighter hat so her beautiful eyes can be revealed to the Blogosphere.
Secondly, I will be in heaven whether you like it or not. If you are going to be there…then Dammit, so am I.
Thirdly, yes it IS a freakin’ free Country so I think I just might plug into your lil’ Christian thing you got going on. Y’all just might learn something with me being In-the-Loop.
and lastly, please don’t tell the ‘Head of your Home’ (yes, the Bible says he IS) that I’m picking at you. I’m not ready for him to give me a ‘beat-down’ like a Red-Headed Stepchild. My fighting days are over. I now am a man of peace…and laughter. God help us all.
Hi. I don't watch American Idol so no comment on that. That's ok though...there's a weather advisory on the horizon....
Well, I get up from a nap and discover that a storm has huddled over my head.
To the Big Sis with the fire-hose that could do some 'b*tch slapping'...
Your lil' sis is in good hands with me and I'm sure she understands that. I believe she is more Cool and "gets it" and has a sense of humor more than some may realize.
Aww Shucks! What a pleasant surprise in my 'followers box'.
God DOES still love me after all.
Just remember as you read my posts...Grace and Mercy, Grace and Mercy..
Romans 15:5
Now, who wants to have Church? WOOOOoooo!
Loved this analogy!
Yes, you're right when we face the Judge the accuser will rant and rave on what I deserve, but the Judge will set things straight. I'm REdeemed in the Blood of Jesus!!!
Good're great with relevancy. Love to come here.
Since when have the judges been saving people?
That doesn't happen on Australian Idol! Maybe it will this season...
Great analofy as always Kelly. You have a gift for using everyday life to remind us who our saviour is.
Who knew American Idol would be a fount of such spiritual truths? Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor!
Great way to tie it all together.
love the comparisons, way to be thinking
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