Our relationships with God can be parallel as well, especially without spiritual maturity. It is easy for me to slip into a parallel relationship with God, without interaction. If I am doing devotions every day, but not making time for prayer and mediation, I am not interacting with God. I'm working along side, but not with God. It is easy to get confused. I am doing godly things, but I am just paralleling God, not interacting with him or following his will and his way.
The opposite of parallel is perpendicular. That is lines intersecting at a right angle. It looks like a "T" or a cross. A Cross. Jesus died on the cross for us, so that we could have a relationship with God. But how can we live in the right angle at the intersection. How can we live right? Another term for the same concept (one line hitting another at 90 degrees) is called normal. I know I'm not normal with God. (I'm not normal to a lot of people). *smile*
We need to be straight with God. He should be ahead of us, leading and guiding. We should be following. As a recovering control freak, it's easy for me to try to get parallel with God. I need to take a step back, literally and figuratively, and start interacting with God to make sure my actions are responses to his will, not my own.
So are you parallel or perpendicular today? How can you become normal by God's standards, which are out of line with the world's? It takes a Ruler (and not the 12" kind). Our Ruler is the King of kings and Lord of Lords. When we have the Ruler, we can calculate the changes we need to make in our lives to get "square" with God. Then we'll be straight and right.
Psalm 99:4 -- The King is mighty, he loves justice— you have established equity; in Jacob you have done what is just and right.
Psalm 27:11 -- Teach me your way, O LORD; lead me in a straight path because of my oppressors.
Revelation 17:14 -- They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.
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Excellent lesson times 2! Love it!
So glad I decided to come over. I always enjoy your comments at Greg's General Store.
So nice to meet you, Angie
Awesome! I love reading your thoughts!
What a great geometry lesson! Sometimes getting "in line" with God can be a challenging process, even painful as He molds us. Thanks for the encouragement!
Hmmm...how often in ministry are we doing godly things and confusing that with working with God? I fear, more often than I'd like to think.
How I long to be "normal"!! Thanks for the reminder this morning.
Ok anything mathmatically related gives me hives, that being said this was a wonderful post!!
I almost didn't read your post seeing the word GEOMETRY! It brought back many memories. I love the paralleling relationship thought. So true. We are called to follow. This is one for your book :)
Great analogy here today! I want to be normal with God, too - not parallel. Loved it!
Love that thought! What a great statement.
Oh my! I was never too swift with geometry but I get this!
Now that's the kind of Geometry lesson I can handle--always good to leave out the proofs!
Thanks and have an awesome day.
Happy Belated B'day, by the way!
This was excellent.
"Normal"...what an awesome concept!
great stuff!
Happy Belated Birthday!
This was great Kelly. I've been thinking alot about my *postition* these days. Not as perpendicular as I would like to be but working with Him on getting there.
Great life lesson!
OK, I'll admit I am not a math mind, but "straight with God" I can get! :) Hubby is a math mind...I have to ride on his coat tails! :)
Thanks for the shout out friend! You're the best! :)
How is your hubby?
Love this post Kelly! What Bible version are you using for your scriptures? I like the way they're put. I usually use the Amplified. It's a good study bible.
Put this one in the "To Be Published" folder. Clear truth that goes straight through the mind to the heart. Bravo!!
wow!!!! great post..great blog...amazing...
Again a great lesson. I agree and identify with all you're saying about ending up in parallel with God instead of connecting intimately with HIm.
But your great insight hit me that we act like the children you described at the beginning of your post. We are called to community; togetherness; being there for one another. Isolation and solo super star issues seem to be the most disturbing trends in much of Church and Christian leadership and ministry today.
Only One Reigns above all. We are called together in loving closeness in oneness in Him.
Love this so!!!!
Great lesson today! As you can imagine, I witness the parallel playing frequently:-)
I think it's fascinating. I don't however like to be "parallel" in my relationship with God:-)
Oh you are so good, great lesson as usual!
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