The funny thing is we are all children of God. 1 John 3:1 says "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!"
I wonder how our heavenly Father feels when he hears me complaining about what a bad driver "my brother" is when "He cut me off in traffic!" Or how "my sister" at the cash register is "going to slow and I'm in a hurry." How many times do I make a careless comment about one of God's children, my brothers and sisters in Christ?
Next time I yell at my kids for arguing (and it could be any second), I'll thank God for being a Father who never yells at me, even when I'm mean to my brothers & sisters in Christ. Then I'll try to practice what I preach, and "just be nice."
John 1:12, 13 -- Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.
Romans 8:16, 17 -- The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.
1 John 3:1 -- How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.
Kelly..I am reminded of this often...cause often, I'm yelling at my kids. They are close in age and of course the bickering can be constant..or the lack of listening..or the goofing off when its time to be serious. We'll get through it. Yesterday I just ignored everything and that seemed to work well...we'll see what happens today!
Wow! What a wonderful reminder for us to be "clothed in compassion" for one another! Imagine how peaceful our world could be if we could behave as God intended.
Sometimes it would be nice for God to yell "just be nice". Then maybe the kids would finally just 'be nice'. Hearing it from Him instead of me. Or maybe if God would use an audible voice to tell me to stop doing something - it might hit me quicker and I can stop before I do more damage. Sometimes my inner voice doesn't speak quite loud enough to hit my ears before my brain can shut up my mouth. :)
Great lesson for all of us! I too find myself getting on to my kids and then turning around and having some sort of fit towards another. We are all brothers and sisters one way or another!
Thanks for the post, great reminder of how we should act towards one another!
This is the second post I've read on a similar subject this week.
Is "He" trying to tell me something...
I had to drive a van on the interstate to the church yesterday. It has had it for highway traffic and I am donating it to a ministry that can use it for short trip transportation for exoffenders in our transition housing.
I could only drive at 45 mph and man did I get it from the other impatient drivers. When I read your post I had to laugh...none of those drivers have read those scriptures.
I hope I recall this drive when I tend to want the car in front to speed up.
Yeah...just be nice; we'll all live better and longer.
How many times a day do I repeat that same phrase to my girls???!! More than I can count! Your post was a reminder that perhaps if we as adult children of God were better examples, we might not have to say it so much to the kids. Great reminder Kelly!
Okay, you've "quit preaching and gone to meddlin'"! Ouch.
Don't forget my favorite expression: You want something to cry about? I will give you something to cry about. If that's not the pot calling the kettle black I don't know what is. I find myself doing the same things you mentined here but I try not to. Sometimes, people get the worst of me though. Lets just keep trying.
THis was great! Be nice! This and the verses will be my thought for the day!
It's good to know I'm not the only one who yells at the kids. I do pray for a solution first much more than I did when I was younger. Often I will separate the offenders then tell them I'm going to go pray so that I can calm down. I'm noticing that they are learning from that. (sometimes) :) But I am learning from my FATHER.
Off topic - I thought of you especially when I made mention of using a pretty mug. LOL! How sweet of you all to think of me and even toast me. :o I just love you all.
Now, I am feeling guilty. I yelled at my son this morning for arguing with me... maybe I shouldn't have done that.
I think God totally designed families for all of the spiritual analogies and lessons they provide.
Yep, Yep, Yep! I am proud to be your sister, and not the germaphobic one. LOL!!
My kids are all grown now. They are all close in age--less than 2 years apart.
I remember those days well--the bickering over nothing, and the "she touched mes!!" Wonder what that is all about anyway?
A patient at our office who is a retired second grade school teacher offered this hint to a frustrated parent in the waiting room one day: Get down on the kids level. Lower your voice. Keep talking making your voice quieter and quieter until you are almost whispering. With you on their level, looking them in the eye and just about whispering, they'll stop and pay attention because they want to know what you're whispering about!
Don't know if it works because I don't have little ones anymore, but I think this retired teacher has tried this with success.
Hey, it's worth a try!!
So true. So true. Kids are the greatest teachers aren't they?
Yet again, you have reminded me how great is our Father's love for us!
Glad to know I'm not the only "yeller" out there:-)
BTW, be sure to read my post from yesterday! :-)
You blog always gives me something to think about...Thank you!
I don't have to yell at kids anymore no that they are all grown. I do find myself yelling at the bad drivers on my way to work, even though they can't hear me. I usually feel guilty about getting upset after I do that!
At one point this week my facebook status wondered if the day would come when I would really "miss hearing 'Mooommmm....make HIM stop!..."
And I'm sure that God must feel so much like we do some days. Great thoughts as usual Kelly!
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