Take a closer look. It says THANK GOD it's Friday. I don't know if I've ever actually thanked God it was Friday. I may have thanked him that a rough week was over, I'm not sure. But why not pray to God right now praising him for today...and then if someone says to you "Thank God it's Friday" you can say "I already did!"
Isn't it ironic how we take sayings such as this for granted? Our money is printed with the phrase "In God We Trust." Do we? Economic times are hard right now, when you are paying your bills are you saying "God I trust you" or just "Oh my god."
I heard the Battle Hymn of the Republic today for the first time in ages, and actually listened to the words. "His truth is marching on." That line is referring to God. It says HIS TRUTH IS MARCHING ON. Is it? Are we marching in the truth, passing it on? This military anthem is truly an anthem to God. One of the verses says:
In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me:
As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free,
While God is marching on.
It is suggested that if you are not military you change the lyrics from "let us die to make men free" to "let us LIVE to make men free." I hope someone sees Jesus in me today. I hope I am living to make men and women free. Free to live a life for Jesus to praise him and thank him in all things.
Thank you God, it's Friday!
To see a moving video of the Battle Hymn Republic with lyrics & inspirational photos, you can click here.
I love to learn of the background info on hymns etc. You wrote: It is suggested that if you are not military you change the lyrics from "let us die to make men free" to "let us LIVE to make men free." I hope someone sees Jesus in me today. I hope I am living to make men and women free. Free to live a life for Jesus to praise him and thank him in all things
Yes... a hurting world is searching for some sense in their world today. We have the answer for them. May we indeed be submissive to HIm and live in such a way that the hurting ask what makes us tick. Free....from so many things that could steal our joy and peace.
Jesus above all!
Beautiful post, Kelly!
I, too, am thankful that it is Friday. Yes, it has been a rough week, but I am thankful that God has seen me through this week, given me hope in rough times, and I am thankful that He has given me another day to find joy, peace, hope and trust in Him.
Without Him, we are nothing. So many are hurting (including my son I found out yesterday), and I pray that He be brought to Jesus so that his pain and mental anguish may be set free from him.
Thanks for encouraging me along!
May lots of people see Jesus in You today and become free from the bondage of sin! What a beautiful post! I will be humming this song all day! Thank You God for Everyday!
I really like this post! First of all, The Battle Hymn of the Republic is one of my favorite songs. It never fails to give me goosebumps. It is a song that makes me proud to be a Christian AND an American.
Also, I love your response to "Thank God It's Friday!"
Hey, Kelly!
This was great! Isn't it interesting that when we (at least, I) read the lyrics to a song, it becomes more powerful to me! Maybe it's because I'm a visual learner instead of an auditory one. Sorry--didn't mean to get all school teachery in this comment!
Thanks for a wonderful reminder. And, I have thanked Him for this day :)!
Well, Eric was able to fix my sound on the computer. Did I mention there is one song, that when sung is even better to me than The Battle Hymn of the Republic? That song is The Battle Hymn of the Republic sung by children. Especially with the drums and trumpets.
Oh great. These darn allergies. It's the allergies that make my eyes tear up. Yes, that's it...it's the allergies.
I see Jesus in you everytime I read your blog!
I loved your spin on this and the background of this hymn
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for this day. A day for us to grow in You, rest in You and be surrounded in You. May we realize today, that everyday is a gift and You are just waiting in anticipation to show us more of Yourself. We love You Lord and I do Thank You it's Friday!-Amen
God and I had a long talk last night believe it or not. I told him my problems and he said don't worry, I will take some of the load off of you. I was in the military and thought often about what and who I was fighting for. It all boils down to fighting for God and country, in that order.
Wow,I never thought of that before.
I just learned something,thanks for lesson:)
That was a great video! I couldn't help but think about the day we will see Him in Full Glory. I pray that someone would also see Jesus in me today.
Looks like God had us in sync today.
off topic - Sending a message. I went to Mrs P's blog and I can't comment. What happened?
Kelly, I'm sure people see Jesus in you every day. Off subject: So your husband is 24 years older? This is a must-be-written post subject.
Do you have any T.G.I.Fridays restaurants out your way? That is definitely a good thing to come out of the whole TGIF thing. Epecially their desserts. *grin*
And, have you ever heard the song that has the line, "It's Friday, but Sunday is coming"? It's referring to the resurrection, and I love it.
And regarding 2nd Cup's comment - 24 years? Yeah, that's a post I'd like to read, too.
I have a very different twist on the TGIF thing. I actually LOVE monday's. The reason why is because I celebrate the beginning of the new week - knowing that the mistakes of last week are gone becasue in Christ old things are past away and all things are made new. His mercies are new every morning, great is His faithfulness. :)
Thank God it's Friday is used a lot here too.
And I HAVE truly thanked God it was Friday on many occasions after a bad week! Perhaps I should start thanking Him for every other day too.
Hi Kathy,
You know, Kathy, as I your blogs it felt as if you were chatting to me across a kitchen table.
You are a good writer, that is for sure and have a terrific ministry here. :-)
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