I'm living on Easy Street. I should be reading the bible more. I know things just seem to go better when I do. I should be praying more too. Seems when I'm praying God is guiding my steps, and I end up in the right place. But nah, I'm living on Easy Street.
I'm living on Easy Street. I should be doing regular devotions with my kids. They seem to be more obedient and get along better when I do. But it's summer time! We're on vacation. And I'm living on Easy Street.
I'm living on Easy Street. I should be more guarded in my speech. I should honor and esteem my husband with my words, not tear him down. But gosh, that requires so much work. I have to watch what I say, think before I speak. Nah, I'm living on Easy Street.
You know, things are getting pretty hard on Easy Street. It's not as Easy as it looks. It ends up being more work on Easy Street (in the long run) than it was living on Easy Street in the first place.
So neighbor, have you been living on Easy Street? As for me, I guess I better get moving...off of Easy Street.
Luke 12:19, 20 - - I'll say to myself, "You have plenty of good things laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry." But God said to him, 'You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?' (NIV)
Proverbs 19:10 - -Blockheads shouldn't live on easy street any more than workers should give orders to their boss. (The Message)
Ecclesiastes 4:5 - -The fool sits back and takes it easy, His sloth is slow suicide. (The Message)
What a great reminder in the middle of summer, to take that straight and narrow road. God's path does require a lot of work and discipline, but you're right - In the long run it's a much safer and comfortable road to be on!
Oh....the ways we could go--
Down on Main Street
Park(ed) Avenue
The Long and Winding Road
The Road to Nowhere
He leads me in paths of righteousness for His Name's sake (Psalm 23)....and Praise God He does lead us there from wherever we are--even Easy Street from time to time.
Living on Easy street can cause you to put on weight and lose our (HIS)strength.
Thanks for giving me that poke to get up and run...toward Jesus!
In the movie "ANNIE", Carol Burnett,Bernadette Peters and a man (can't remember his name) sang a song about living on "Easy Street". They were the "bad guys". Well, we know where that got them!
I was feeling convicted this morning before my feet even hit the floor about how I let so many opportunities slip by me with my kids. Especially my youngest. I get the luxury of staying at home with him and homeschooling him, but I think I miss way too many teachable moments along the way.
Thanks for your post. I am DONE with excuses! I am getting off this computer right now to go and read my little guy a story and do some art. He loves that and I don't do it nearly enough.
Have a great day taking a detour around Easy Street! I will, too!
Love and Blessings,
Thanks so much for this challenging message! I really needed to hear it today...It has been an "Ugly Pam" day and this post has encouraged me.
I tagged you today. Come visit me to see what you now need to do.
It is fun and I hope It will bless you the way your post and encouragement blesses me!
I did it out of respect and admiration for your honesty and inspiration.
Thanks so much for being a beacon of His great truth and light.
Pamela R.
Great message Kelly! I really needed that today :-) I went to the doctors and their scale didn't lie - easy street is actually a bit scarey. I think I am off to the road less travelled this weekend :-)
Hi Kelly,
I am visiting your blog today via Pam at PinkShoeLady.
This is "area of town" is so hard to stay away from...shortcuts and all...right?!?!
Thanks for making me think!
I'm not sure what street I'm living on...
It sure isn't easy! But it's not a focussed path to the Lord either.
I think I'm lost in the woods somewhere, somebody get ma an axe!
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