Friday, April 25, 2008

Honesty is the Best Policy

Wednesday I chatted about white lies, or lies to protect. But the truth is honesty is the best policy, and I have a real life experiece that proves just that. About 15 years ago, I talked my then boyfriend (now husband) to go with me to tryout to be extras in a local movie. (Starring non-other than Charlie Sheen). This tryout consisted of filling out our name and address and having a Polaroid headshot taken. Not rocket science this movie business.

Several weeks later they called asking MY MAN to come down to be in the movie. In my usual shy manner I asked “WHAT ABOUT ME??? I want to be in the movie!!!” So the casting agent said that if I could get my fellow to come, I could be in the movie too. Okay, not my finest moment, I admit, but baby, I was going to be in the movie!!

We arrived on the appointed day, me with my camera in hand. So during the off moments another girl and I shot a couple of pictures of “Charlie” from a distance. A few minutes later a giant of a man, who looked a lot like Rocky walks over to the other girl with a camera. They talk a few minutes; he takes her camera, removes the film and exposes it. (I’m obviously dating myself now, in the days before digital cameras).

He comes over to me next and says, “Are yous taking pictures?” (Obviously he meant to say, “are you”, but it came out “yous” instead of “you.” “Yes sir.” I responded. “You are here to work, not to take pictures, do not take anymore pictures.” “Yes sir.” came my reply and you can bet I didn’t. But he didn’t take my film.

At the end of the day, as I’m waiting from my husband-to-be to come back from wardrobe; (yes, he got to go to wardrobe and make-up, I just wore my regular clothes and make up); I see Charlie Sheen’s Rocky-like body guard again. So I walk up to him, in my usual shy manner and say, “Since I can’t take Charlie Sheen’s picture, can I take yours?”

Well, Rocky turns into a teddy bear and says, “Yous wants to take a picture of me?” “Sure!” I responded. Well, he motions for another guy to come over and says “why don’t you take a picture with me instead of of me.” So we took a picture together!

Finally, he says to me “Do you know why I didn’t take your film?” “No.” “Because you told the truth. The other girl lied when I asked if she had been taking pictures, but you told the truth, so I let you keep your film.” And that my friends, is why honesty is the best policy. And, somewhere*, I have the pictures to prove it.

Proverbs 12:22: “The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in men who are truthful.”

*I know a picture is worth 1,000 words. But I cannot find the photos of this day. No doubt they are buried under the millions of pictures of my kids, or tucked safely away from little fingers. If I find them one day during a cleaning jag, I'll post them then.


Sonya said...

This was a great story and a good follow up to Wed. post! God's ways are not our ways, nor are His thoughts our thoughts. We just won't understand all of this until we see Him face to face.
Enjoying your blogs!

Alyce said...

How cool is that!!!
So, I want to know where were you and what was this I can rent it and look for your husband..hahaa.. No, actually, were you in VA then?

Chatty Mom said...

The movie was "Shadow Conspiracy." To give you an idea of the quality of the movie, it went straight to video! It was shot in downtown Richmond. It was awesome to be on the set and I loved.

The funniest ending of the story (but not relavent to my blog so I didn't include it) is that we got a call a few weeks later saying they were going to reshoot the scene. My husband refused to go back, so we are on the cutting room floor somewhere, and not in the actual movie.

BUT I really do (SOMEWHERE) have the photos to prove it. Linda Hamilton (from Terminator fame) was also in the movie and let me take a picture with her as well.

Chatty Mom said...

And p.s. My husband played a PRIEST in the movie! So he is wearing a white/black collar and they brushed his hair down flat as a board and sprayed it. So he must have a godly look about him. haha.

Alyce said...

That is cool about Linda Hamilton..she was my grandmother's neighbor growing up in Maryland.

Bonita said...

Okay, you are on a writing roll here and I'm not kidding. I just commented about one of your other posts being publishable material and now I see another one. I can't remember if you've attended the Proverbs 31 She Speaks conference or not, but if you already have then you could work this into a devotion and submit it for possible publication in the online devotionals. This would make a great devotion!