Friday, January 11, 2013

A Note to Jesus

"Jesus didn't write back," my 8 year old daughter said.  I was confused by her comment, so she explained to me, "I wrote him a note last night and left it on my nightstand, but he didn't write back." 

I read my daughter's sweet note to Jesus. Something had been weighing on her mind, and so she wrote a letter to Jesus asking him what she should do. She also asked him if he answered her note could she tell other people, and concluded with "If you can't answer, no pressure."  

Reading her note gave me a wonderful opportunity to share with her the purpose of the Holy Spirit to speak into our lives. But I am awe inspired by the faith of an 8 year old child who fully trusts that Jesus will help her make the right decisions, and asks for his input in her life. She signed her note, "Love you Lord! I'm your biggest fan ever!" How Jesus must have smiled to see those words.

My daughter knows that Jesus can help her in every day decisions, and trusts that he will answer. Oh that I may have the faith of my child. Oh, that we all could.

"Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God
 as a little child will by no means enter it." Mark 10:15

Kelly Combs is a Christian wife, mom, writer and speaker. You can learn about Kelly by visiting her website at

Chatty Kelly


Rebecca Powell said...

Kelly, this is so precious. Keep encouraging her to write out her prayers to Jesus--she may be a writer just like her mom!

Sharon Sloan said...

Aw I love this!!!!!!! What a treasure -- your daughter and her note! And how great....He did write back to her His Word.

Love this!

Tracy said...

This is MORE than precious...

Dan Erickson said...

I have a seven-year old girl. This is very sweet.