Monday, May 7, 2012

Faith is Believing...In Yourself

"You are a gifted speaker."
"Sometimes you come across like you're into your third can of Mountain Dew."
"You are a spokesperson for godly mothering."
"I'll bet when you're with a group of women, you're going to speak to them even when you're not asked to speak."

These are some of the statements made to me by my mentor at the SCORRE conference. I have to tell you, this conference was the best, most amazing conference I have ever been to.  I was really challenged, I learned alot, and I met incredible new friends.

My mentoring group (6 men, 2 women, 1 mentor), were all passionate believers. We concluded our week by praying over one another.  My mentor shared with me during the week that he could see me struggling over the method and prayed that I wouldn't give up. How many conferences have this type of leadership? And SCORRE isn't a "Christian" conference! Yes, it is a conference run by Christians, but it isn't for Christians. It is for anyone who wants to communicate better. 

Back to the statements about I heard them, it was easy for me to believe two of them.  Actually I've never heard more accurate descriptions than the one about me speaking at meetings, and regarding the  Mountain Dew. My mentor clearly had the gift of discernment, not just for me, but for every member of our group.  But why is it hard for me to believe the other two, the two that are positive. I am so practiced at deflecting positive comments as "just being nice," after being stripped of my worth as a child.

Yet, by refusing to believe these things, I myself am stripping myself of the worth and value God has placed in me to do his work in ministry. So, remember that leap of faith I took by going to the SCORRE conference last week? I am going to continue to walk in faith that I am gifted, by God, to do the work he prepared for me to do.

Every believer should have faith...not just faith in God, but faith in their God-given gifts for his glory. Every believer should have faith, and by continuing to meet with God daily, in his word, in prayer and in the fellowship of believers, your faith will grow. Faith in God, and in his plans for you. 

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

What gifts has God given you? Do you trust in him to carry them to completion, to give you hope and a future?
Kelly Combs is a Christian wife, mom, writer and speaker. You can learn about Kelly by visiting her website at

Chatty Kelly


Sue J said...

That last comment is my favorite, because that points to who you are inside, and not just words that you say. That points to your heart! I am so thankful that everything went well; that you were challenged to grow and yet did not let the challenge overcome you. Way to persevere! And now you have more encouraging friends to help remind you of the truth, and to continue to gently push you to those places where you can still grow--all in order to serve Him! YAY! Raising a Mountain Dew to you--HA! HA!!!....

Mark Mathia said...

Great write up. I have to say all true about you. I would have said more but didn't want to deal with a hyped up pride filled mountain dew drinker. God has given you the gift of communication I hope you are heard often.

Kelly Combs said...

For the record, I don't drink Mountain Dew. My natural personality just SEEMS like I do. Okay, maybe too much coffee. :-) Thanks for reading, Mark.

Kelly Combs said...

Thanks Sue. It was such a great experience. I couldn't be happier about it.

Sharon Sloan said...

Sounds like a great conference. :) I appreciate how you are diligent about nurturing your talents!!

Just read this scripture this morning....
"The Lord is my light and my salvation...
The Lord is the strength of my life...
In this I will be confident."
Psalm 27:1,3

Hugs! Miss you!

Matt said...


Your post about the conference made me smile because you saw two of those remarks about you as being negative. We are always our on worse critic. When I read them I saw them all as positives.

The Mt Dew comment means you are passionate about what you have to share – how can that be negative! Of course the flip side of that is learning to harness and control that type of passion so it doesn’t blow people out of the water.

As far as speaking up when you have not been asked to, you are a communicator, it is what you ARE. Trying to fight that is like trying to fight against gravity, like Jeremiahs ‘fire in the bones” to speak, here again one needs to learn to control that impulse by learning to speak the truth in love and learning that communication is always a two way street.

Last, I have been reading your post since November of last year and I can attest to the fact that you are a gifted communicator - you inform, you encourage, you challenge and you point people to the one who really has the answer.

Keep writing and speaking

God Bless
Matt W

Julie Gillies said...

Wow, Kelly, it sounds like you're PUMPED! Oh, I wish I lived nearby and we could meet for coffee (tea for me, thank you) and talk ALL about the conference. It sounds like it was fantastic. Hey, maybe we can do a phone call?? :-)

Kelly Combs said...

Thank you Matt for your encouragement. I like the way you see things. God bless you.

Kelly Combs said...

It was great Sharon. Miss you too.

Kelly Combs said...

I'd love to do a call in a couple of weeks Julie! Hitting several big deadlines over the next 2-3 weeks, so I am PUMPED in many ways! (And none of them include Mountain Dew.). haha.

Kari Scare said...

My husband just told me last night that "you are your own worst critic" when I asked why I struggle with confidence in myself. I guess my fear is to become self-absorbed again, and I was not a happy person when I was that way. So, I go to the other end of the spectrum and avoid complimenting myself or accepting compliments. But, I am growing in my confidence in my God-given gifts (writing & teaching), especially as I learn more and more to let Him power them. There are some terrific examples of humble leaders that I am trying to follow. They seem confident in themselves and dependant on God, and that's how I want to be.

Kelly Combs said...

It is journey Kari! To strike that balance requires daily work. Some days I fall into the "I'm nothing" trap, and others I forget the One who gives the gifts and accept the glory for myself. But I want to be a woman who, as you eloquently put it, is confident in myself and dependant on God.

Kari Scare said...

A journey it is for sure, my friend. Being perfected. Pursuing holiness. Not there but on my way. Thanks for the inspiring words to help people along in their journey.

On another note, would you be interested in writing a guest post for my blog?

Kelly Combs said...

Kari I would love to guest post for you in June or after. I cannot accept anything else this month, as my cup is overflowing with God's goodness...and the work he prepared for me to do! Two speaking engagements, a writing deadline, blogging, and being a part of launch team for Michael Hyatt's new book (PLATFORM), has my May full to the brim.

Email me, and let's get something set up for June or after. chattykelly at comcast dot net

Melanie said...

I really want to attend a SCORRE conference!