Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dancing in the Rain, Book Review

Imagine hearing these words, "Your baby won't live. It most likely won't even be born alive." These are the terrible words that Cindy Shufflebarger heard when the baby she was carrying was diagnosed with trisomy 18.

The pain that followed was the greatest storm of Shufflebarger's life. Her precious daughter was born and died within a couple of days. The suffering of the loss of her daughter, Ashlynn, left Shufflebarger with two choices: drowning in the storm of her life, or Dancing in the Rain. She was determined, with the help of God, to dance.

Shufflebarger shares with her readers the hope of God's love even in the midst of suffering. She shares her story, while drawing the reader in to examine their own life storms. I especially enjoyed the "God says" heading at the end of each chapter where she shares Bible verses to help weather your own storm. The book is heavy with scripture to support each chapter, and I found that to be a huge positive and a blessing to the reader.

Each chapter also has a "Your Chance to Dance" heading where she offers substantive and concrete application tips for the reader to apply in their own life to help overcome their storms.

Because of her faith, Shufflebarger is Dancing in the Rain. If you would like to be able to dance in the rain too, you may purchase her book. To learn more about Shufflebarger, visit her website.

Chatty Kelly


Melanie said...

I'll visit her website.

Beth.. One Blessed Nana said...

Kelly - so glad you posted this review. I will definitely get this book and read her amazing story of God's grace in her life!