Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I love this picture. My four year old was playing with my camera and inadvertently snapped this photo of her precious little toes. I could kiss her sweet feet all day. They are tiny, cute, fat and flat, simply precious. I also love baby feet. There is something about those tiny little feet that pull my heart strings.

I do not like adult feet. Quite the opposite. Imagine feet in Jesus' day. With dirt roads, and just sandals, they had to be dirty, dusty, calloused and stinky. Ewww. All travel was by foot, so it was considered proper etiquette and hospitality to offer water to guests to wash their feet. If one was wealthy they'd even have their servants wash the guests' feet.

When Jesus visited a Pharisees home, a "sinful woman" visited him there. She wept, washing his feet with her tears, perfume, and wiping them with her hair. Jesus said "this woman, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet." She knew Jesus represented salvation from her sins. Jesus confirmed this when he said "Your sins are forgiven. Your faith has saved you; go in peace." (Luke 7)

It is easy to think of falling at the feet of a Savior in heaven in white robes; clean, holy and righteous. However, this woman had the faith to fall at the feet of her Savior in his human form. In Todd Agnew's Song "My Jesus" that I blogged about here, he sings about the modern day church: "Jesus would never be accepted in my church, the blood and dirt on his feet might stain the carpet."

May we all have the faith of the "sinful woman," not to proud to kiss the feet of her Savior, regardless of the circumstance.

John 13:1 -- [ Jesus Washes His Disciples' Feet ] It was just before the Passover Feast. Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love.

James 4:10 -- Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

1 Peter 5:6 -- Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.

Chatty Kelly


Kay Martin said...

This is the cutest picture. Yes, precious baby feet and toes. You are the master at bringingn God's Word right up to my breakfast table. Love this!!!

Dorothy Champagne said...

That picture is so sweet. My youngest daughter, who is 8, is now starting to lose the little chubbiness in her hands - they're starting to look like little adult hands. But, it's a reminder that God only gives them to us for a short time - a precious gift that we are to take care of, that alone is humbling. Thank you for the reminder of what I have before they get up this morning.

Sue J. said...

How beautiful, the feet that walked, the long dusty roads and the hill to the cross.....

And even those feet once started out as baby feet. Isn't that awesome!? 'Tis the season.....

Beverlydru said...

I love that picture too!! Last year when I traveled to Italy, we spent one afternoon walking through Pompeii, the town that was preserved from the times that Jesus lived, under layers of volcanic ash. My feet were so dirty, I literally threw my sandals in the garbage later (they had been old but now they were runied!). I'm talking dirty. Makes this story vivid for me.

The Patterson 5 said...

In that story she showed Jesus lavish love. She loved much as she was forgiven much. The Pharasee did not wash Jesus feet even when the pharasee was the host. She was not invited to this gathering and the host was horrified by her being there. May I love Jesus lavishly as this lady did, being unafraid to show my love and my sins that have been forgiven are much just like hers. Thanks for this reminder to love and follow Jesus and all of this through your sweet ones precious feet!!!!!

Truth4thejourney said...

I agree, baby feet are so much more kissable than adult feet, BLAH! But you have a good point. The woman who kissed Jesus' feet had a true realization that without Him she wasn't going to have an eternity. She cried out to Him in her desperation. That's where we need to be, so desperate for our savior that we will cry out for Him.

Very thought provoking!

Sharon said...

What adorable feeties!! Those feet that walked for us, As I walk to follow him, follow his footsteps! It's good sometimes during this we step on a sandspur, so we can cry out to him.
I will ponder this for the day!

My ADHD Me said...

once again...a great "segway"!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Well, those are some cute toes! Sometimes I purposefully think about Jesus' humanity and how, in some form or another, he will have a body in heaven. We will see hands and feet .... amazing.

Melissa the Careful Wisher said...

I love baby feet! Great post!

Greg C said...

I love baby feet too. Too bad mine aren't cute like that anymore. They are worn and tired from years of abuse. I sometimes give myself a foot massage with oil and when I do, I think about the old custom of anointing feet. My wife and I give each other foot massages.

The reason I like this story is that the lady seemingly had nothing to offer Jesus but she gave what she could to honor him.

On Purpose said...

I too could kiss these adorable little tootsies! (Thats what we call them in our family)

May I focus on the Jesus and not the dirt!

Edie said...

This is so beautiful CK. From the cute little toes in the picture to the awesome message of love. I have wondered many times what me response would have been to Jesus if I had lived in those days.

I pray that I would love Him more and more deeply day after day.

Mary Moss said...

What a beautiful post - both your daughter's feet and the imagery you share throughout the post. Thank you!

Edie said...

Hi CK! I have something for you. Please stop by my blog when you get a chance. :D

Irritable Mother said...

You put things into perspective so beautifully. I wouldn't think twice about kissing baby feet.
But dirty, adult feet???
Truly, that sinful woman did a wonderful thing. I want to have a heart like that!

Devoted said...

Amen, sister. I love your blog and will be stopping by again soon. God bless :-D