Sunday, October 26, 2008


I'm studying the text of Romans 12:1,2 in response to Edie's Random Question, over at Rich Gifts. We are supposed to read the text, and write which part speaks to your heart. You can view other answers over at Edie's blog. Here is mine. First let's look at the text.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:1-2)

The funny thing is, when writing about the text, Edie skips over the text "Therefore, I urge you, brothers." My pastor once told me whenever you see the word THEREFORE, you need to stop and ask "What is it THERE FOR?" To do that, you must read what comes before.

Romans 11 tells of God's mercy. God originally came for Israel. He did not reject his people, rather they rejected him. So now gentiles were offered grace, "grafted in" Paul says. We were not part of the originally plant (or plan). But because of the rejection by the Jewish people, gentiles were included. My study bible further explains that God's merciful plan to include the gentiles in his great salvation plan should humble them, not fill them with arrogance. Israel's hardening to Jesus is partial, not total; and temporary, not permanent.

In 11:22 it tells of the kindness and sternness of God. My study bible says "Any adequate doctrine of God must include these two elements. When we ignore his kindness, God seems a ruthless tyrant; when we ignore his sternness, he seems a doting father." This seems like the perfect example of God, kind yet stern; loving yet just.

"THEREFORE" - in view of God's mercy ...God has been merciful to us gentiles by grafting us in, where we don't belong, so much more so we should be changed because of it. "Transformed by the renewing of our minds."

So, have you been transformed? Or do you take this merciful gift God gave, (a gift meant for Israel, but given to us gentiles because of mercy,) for granted? I admit, I do. I take for granted that Jesus died - a horrible death - for ME. For YOU. We so readily accept the grace that we forget the price. So today I urge you to focus on God's mercy.

We have been allowed where we don't belong. We have "all access back stage passes" so that we can go where others can't. We can be with God in heaven. We can have eternal life. We aren't groupies, we are invited guests. Because of the mercy of the host...the Heavenly Host.

Dear God, thank you for your great mercy. Forgive me for so callously accepting the gift of eternal life. Let my life be transformed by you, so that I may be able to know your will and apply it in my life. In Jesus name, amen.

Chatty Kelly


Edie said...

Very well said CK. Thanks for catching the one I let get away. ;)

This morning in Worship we took the Lord's Supper. I had Emily with with me and this was the first time she had seen this so she was asking questions. When I had the juice in my hand she asked what it was. I explained to her that it was to remind me of Jesus' blood when He died for the things I did wrong. At that point I started crying. I'm thankful that she was there asking questions to help me really think about His mercy.

My ADHD Me said...

Just when I think I may have it figured out, you show me a different point of view. And a good one too. Is it ok if I "Ditto" you too?

Shabby Olde Potting Shed said...

What an awesome lesson.. and reminder! Therefore...
I wish I could do bible studies WITH YOU!!!!!!

Edie said...

ADHD-Jo - You can "Ditto" anyone you want, but then you have to go study it for yourself and ask God to tell you what He thinks. Hard to believe but He knows more than me and CK put together. :D

beverlydru said...

I love it- we all have backstage passes and are special guests. Amazing. What a new way to look at it! Happy Monday.

Bonita said...

Love that phrase "backstage pass". It takes me back to my teenage days and rock concerts when I was always wanting a backstage pass to meet the band members. How cool that we have backstage passes with God!

My ADHD Me said...

Edie-Ditto...ok, ok, I'm going

Greg C said...

I am going to have to let that sink in a little. Great point with the "Therefore" part. Sometimes people will take a passage out of the bible and quote it without knowing the true meaning. I am guilty of that too sometimes. Thanks for the reminder.

Tammy R said...

I love your teaching. Your writing is simple to understand yet thought-provoking.

I agree with my adhd me"you showed me a different point of view."

Shabby Olde Potting Shed said...

Hey Kelly,
Just checkin in with you today... thought I'd say hello from the shed.

Kelley said...

Hi Kelly,
I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on these verses. I studied Romans last year at CBS bible study and LOVED it! Convicting, humbling, filled with mercy and grace... all of that and so much more! And to think He had it planned this way from the beginning, I get goose bumps thinking about what an awesome God we serve!

The Patterson 5 said...

I do take the gift of God's mercy for granted as well as the many blessings that are in my life. Thanks for the reminder.

Joyfulsister said...

Hi Kelly..
How are *U* My prayer is that as I journey together with the Lord I will be more and more like him. To be transformed as he takes me from glory to glory as I present my life as a living sacrafice for "his "glory. I love this post and how you viewed the question and presented your version of it.

Hugz Lorie

Genny said...

I love that verse in Romans. Thanks for the reminder.

KelliGirl said...

I love these verses. They are so bold and active. Us in Jesus. Jesus in us. More and more everyday.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. What a gift we have indeed!
